I disagree, I think Family Guy was meant to be what it is now. I think the 4th season was by far the best and it slowly declined. The last season or two; they've really improved. I think they stopped trying to create something other people thought was funny and started making stories that they thought were funny and I reckon it works. Still, a lot of the humour is hit and miss but, for the most part, I enjoy what Family Guy is.
i agree ^^ watching 1st season right now its better then the recent episodes i forgot the oh no oh no oh no oh yeah kool aid thing was in the first season
what seasons/episodes is this from because it is so funny edit: im watching the episode where joe moves in he used to be a hero and everything but now he is is not
I love family guy but I think they've gone a bit too far with the cut-away gags now. I know it's their 'thing' but it's like there's one every minute. I'd say that the show peaked around seasons 4 and 5 because they had the perfect balance between randomness and a storyline. I think my favourite episode has to be the pilot though, that kool-aid thing in the court makes me piss my pants laughing every time.
I actually do agree that the most recent stuff is getting better, but I just liked everything from season 4 and down much more than everything after.
i agree with this but stewie and brian episode was awful --- my favorite character is stewie because he is so much smarter than the rest of the family and he is just a baby and victory is mine is "catch phrase" anyone else have a favorite character
I haven't heard him say that since... When? Or maybe I just don't watch it enough anymore. In any case, some of the characters were better off being their old selves, like Peter and 'specially Stewie. New Peter is just retarded. Literally.
he used to say it he never says it anymore i dont think yeah but peter being mentally challenged can be funny at times
I love Family Guy. I was watching an episode where the family forgets Stewie when they went on a trip. I've seen it a few times but when they come home Stewie says something that I just finally got. "Louis! Peter! Chris! Dog! Brian!" I lol'd. A ton of lol moments
I think the one scene that's always stuck with me since I became a fan was when Peter's telling Chris (I think) that doing toad is bad, and then it cuts to him IRL. I fuggin' lawled like no other. For reals.
I started watching this show in 1999 when it debuted. I was 12. It was pretty funny, and the characters were fresh and memorable, and the show was ridiculously unpredictable. None of my friends knew the show, and it got canceled. When it came back, it just felt way different and forced. Since then, the show has just degraded more and more and now I can't even sit through it. The writing is thoughtless and the characters have changed in ways that have ruined them for me. Stewie mostly. They rehash jokes because they have nothing new. If the show wouldn't have come back, I think it could've been one of those forever cult classic type things... but it has turned into a pop culture cliche.