Mythic II DLC Dirty Pool V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by RodziR, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Dirty Pool V2

    Finally, Dirty Pool V2 is here. It has few changes to old version. 1. bottom of the pool is merged. 2. edges are straighter. So its better looking and and walking ain't bumpy. Enjoy


    Players: 2-8

    Humans: Jump top of objects and avoid zombie (kill if you can). You have small change to survive to end of round, but Last Man Standing gets few bonus points.

    Zombies: Move under water and kills humans by jumping to surface.

    Human tips
    -Stay on surface, below the surface you're easy kill.
    -Don't just stay on main junk, zombies comes there first.
    -And please, don't jump out of map.

    Zombie tips
    -Sometimes move in crouch, you can't been seen so easily.
    -If human goes below the surface, jump and kill him from surface.
    -Use junk as cover.

    Now pictures

    This is the play ground. Zombies spawns below the surface.

    Zombies spawns under the surface.

    This is how it goes, zombie jumps to surface and locates human.

    Then zombie kills human and goes back to below the surface.

    And when you freak out, don't jump out of map.

    Download Dirty Pool V2
    Download Pool Boys
  2. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
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    Im glad to see you have been reading our comments and have cleaned this map up a little. Now this map is never going to be perfect all maps have there flaws but for a rookie your learning fast. Just keep doing what your doing because this is a huge change from the first one. You should try making this is reach with all the water but if you do that make sure you make it big and add small attributes that make it look like a real pool.
  3. allbroken2U

    allbroken2U Ancient
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    So basically your saying your the best forger? Because greatly criticizing somebody's abilities to forge is never right.

    For the map. I love this concept. What if below fusion coils were flying through the water? This map seems so sweet. Downloaded.
  4. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Thanks dude :)
  5. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Improved gameplay and map, very nice. Its sort of like Wraith Attack by Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt except without the wraith, there are zombies. Map is very fun and surprising. All though there isnt much forging into the map.... im downloading this.
  6. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Thanks for comment. Reason why there is not much forging, is that Reach is coming soon and there is not lots of objects in Longshore.
  7. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Oh no! In reach your going to have to call it clean pool because of no oil spill! Lol you could call the underwater people soap :)

    Can't wait to see how this will be like in reach :D
  8. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    I am not a part of the RH I am making an unofficial review of this map is that understood? Good.

    Enjoyment: The mini game Provides an excellent source of quality enjoyment.
    It shows the players a new experience, that is to be toyed with and beaten with a pointy stick. The Amazing experiences and laughs you get after playing this game lives on in you for the next 25 minutes. I love the fun of popping out of the water at any moment and attempting to kill the humans. This map will give you constant enjoyment for every time you play it. If the map was extended you could make a decent arena map out of this. All and all I give this map on enjoyment a 7/10

    Balance: The map itself has good balance. With each team their is a fair amount of advantages distributed. The humans must have endurance to last the violent attacks of zombies, but the zombies must have skill to catch the humans. The weapon choices are decent and could be improved upon. For instance, the humans have mediocre if not lame weapons and have almost no chance of killing the zombie with them. The zombies are to powerful and deserve to be downsized. I give this map on balance a 5/10

    Durability: The map does have a very strained durability, for it has honor rules. One of them is that you must stay within the map that is built, and that the maker wishes that you not jump or break the map. This is hard to keep going for some humans may wish to have a better advantage therefore he jumps out of the map with a little help. He then has an upper hand on the zombie, he will more than likely shoot the zombies from afar or hid from them. I suggest that you, if provided that you have the money make it so that the map is hard to break or down right impossible. You can do this by adding fish crates, boxes, or other such immovable objects. I give this map on durability a 6/10

    Aesthetics: The maps aesthetics are more or less unsatisfactory, there is nothing particularly detailed about the map. Although it has almost no bumps and the map is not random, It does seem to have a lifeless theme to it. The gameplay is admirable as a mini game, and even though the aesthetics are low it just means theirs nothing to distract the player from surviving. That also means that their is nothing from any player noticing any other flaws in the map. I suggest that you not put any incredible detailed aesthetics or else it might disrupt the game play. I give this map on aesthetics a 7/10

    Originality: The map is on a very unused map, longshore doesn't get to much attention because of its limited supplies. The mini game resembles Crocodile from the foundry version, or Wraith attack by Buddha crane and Gunner Grunt. Even though the game resembles these games closely it is still unique for being on a strange map. I give you great praise, for using Longshore's polluted waters as a way for the zombies to hide them self's. I also find the railing on the side useful yet dangerous to camp on. I give this map on originality a 7/10

    Over all this map was decent with a 6.2/10
  9. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Dirty Pool V2

    Enjoyment: The recommended number of players set for Dirty Pool V2 is anywhere from 2 to 8 players, as specified in its thread. This is the map's biggest downfall apart from the break ability, swayed game play, and remarkable amount of frustration. Setting the recommended number of players to accommodate a number of players as low as two makes the game as dull and boring as they come. Two players on the map means instant victory for the zombie. Always.

    The game's sheer disregard for balanced gameplay brings frustration to the player, which is never enjoyable. A human can kill with two shots of the shotgun, if the shots are aligned correctly (and at point black range). The zombie can kill with one swift stroke of the sword anytime, all the time. Not even to mention the lunge capabilities on the small enclosed space. The zombie has poor invisibility and hides underwater. The humans spawn atop the water in plain site. In the case of last man standing, the human has a way point.

    Apart from the negative, the map is forged beautifully. The floor is seamless and underwater and the debris/crates are perfectly aligned and arranged for ease in movement. It is worth as much as a forge through, and maybe a game with 8 people if you can manage to stay alive long enough.


    Balance: Without complete reiteration of the enjoyment section, Dirty Pool V2 has little to no accountability for balance. What can be called balanced about the map is the structure. The pool is completely symmetrical giving no advantage to either side, and providing a completely level playing field for both parties.

    However, it can not be ignored that the gameplay has all the problems pointed out in the enjoyment section. Surely there is work to be done in this area, and maybe in the future, if gameplay testing takes place and the gameplay is made to be fair, this map could be worth the download that every forger craves for their maps.


    Durability: Whether the disregard for the ability to fall to the depths of Longshore is because of its pointlessness or not, Dirty Pool has no way of keeping players from falling off the map unexpectedly. Its obvious that breaking the map leads to a watery grave (since Longshore's docks are blocked off so nicely), but disregarding the break-ability there leads to accidental deaths. These kinds of deaths only cause more frustration to the player, and should never exist in a quality map.

    Apart from that, the map's spawns work relatively good. It does take time for the zombie to locate and begin the slaughter of the humans, and any re-spawning humans generally have a few seconds of safety before the zombie spots them.


    There's nothing that catches the eye of the player as they enter the map. Creativity could very well have been taken into factor in this area - especially with having the need for objects outside of the map to block off Longshore. Something that would make the map more iconic, and maybe something that would give the map a better name would land a great deal more downloads and at the very least a reason to load up the map.

    On the other hand, the map is forged flawlessly. With no major problems to the map, and no frustrating bumps on the floor of the pool, the map becomes much more manageable.


    Originality: Halo 3 is sitting on it's death bed waiting for the nurse to "pull the plug." Which means that in the three years it's been living it has seen just about every map you could possibly think of. Especially with millions of people making different maps. There has been countless maps like this, and it is hard to continue to make small original maps like this, because there isn't much more one could do.

    Never-the-less, this map has been made hundreds of times and it is not more fun then the last one, and it won't be more fun then the next one.


    Overall: 20/50

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