IxFlashPointxI's guide As you can tell by the title this thread is about the new arcade game, Monday Night Combat. I picked this game up around mid day yesterday and I have been loving it since I got it. It was really a good buy and I hope I can get you guys to like it too. For 1200 Microsoft Points ($15) it was a really good buy. It has two different game mods you can play, one of them having like 7 sub-catagories within it. It also has 6 classes with another unlockable 6 custom classes. The Classes The Assault- The Assault is armed with an Assault Rifle and a Grenade Launcher. His first special ability are to charge which charges them knocking them back or once you hit them it grapples and it is almost always insta kill. The draw back to charge is that it is very easy to see and dodge. Charge is activated by the (B) button. His second ability is Fly which grants him a jet pack he may activate with the (Y) button or by pressing (A) button twice. It essentially lets him fly with his jet pack. I think it slightly increases his speed while using it. You may also you (B) while flying to activate charge for a flying charge, you can also you charge to get to farther away places you wouldn't be able to get to in that flight. His Third ability lets him jump higher and does more damage during a critical shot. This ability is Passive. His final abilty lets him do more damage with his bombs and also makes it so it has a farther damage radius.You activate the Bomb by pressing the (X) button. Additional Notes: He has a good amount of speed and decent damage at start. Tips: Combine the fly and charge ability for deadly air attacks. Easy it is to grapple with him and he has a left trigger aim option which is very helpful. Also planting bombs on walls at the other teams base and waiting for them to walk by is great. -Spawn of Saltine The Tank- The Tank is armed with a Ray like gun that shoots like the sentinel beam and a different variant of that weapon which shoots in bursts, the latter is much better in my opinion. His First Ability is similar to the charge ability of the Assault. It essentially puts you in a short rapid burst with less range than the charge ability but I think it does more damage. It can ring out enemies which can get you the achievment 'Get outta my House!' His second ability puts him into a depoyable mode. He essentially (I use that word a lot) turns into a turret that has a short amount of turning ability but increases his health and damage. It is a good 'Blockade' tactic. His third ability is passive like all of the other 'Grey' abilties. It increases his health. His fourth ability is the Product Grenade. It blinds enemies and can be activated with the (X) Button. Additional Notes: He is very slow but has good health. Tips: It is good to use his secondary weapon because it does more damage and can kill in 3-4 shots. His grapple does little damage but he can survive usually 2 or 3 grapples. He is also a good defensive Character. If you use the grapple button (LT) when you have the primary weapon out it does sort of a whirlwind attack like in Transformers: War for Cybertron. A good tactic is to use the primary weapon then whirlwind, and then finish them off with the primary weapon. Tank should be using his flamethrower at close range, and you should be trying to close the distance between enemies unless it's a gunner, or a support armed with a firebase, then you should be using the rail gun. Tank's Death Lotus is extremely useful, and makes him the best counter for Assassins, as one is approaching you it's easy to spin around, let them catch fire, and laugh as they try to run while they are obvious for you to see, and finish off.-Randle Scandal The Support- The support is basically the healer of the bunch but if it were Team Fortress Two, he would be a hybrid of the Medic and the Engineer. He is armed with the Heal/Hurt gun and a shotgun. The heal can basically give 'overshields' to a friendly, the hurt part can be used much like the tanks primary but it is a little confusing at first use. His first ability can call in an Airstrike. The airstrike is activated by the (B) Button. It is very usefull and is my main source of kills. As you rank it up you can get multiple strikes in without having to recharge. His Second Ability is to activate a Firebase. The Firebase is a deployable turret that the support can use to attack the enemy position or to defend his base. It is very powerful and is worth being upgraded. His third ability is passive and it increases bot support aura and increases health recovery. It is helpful to upgrade but is of little priority. His final ability is to hack turrets. To Hack turrets you must get close to the turret and then hold the (X) button. Hacking can convert enemy turrets to your side and increase the power of your own turrets. It is useful to upgrade. Additional Notes: He is a little slower than the Assault but still is faster than the tank. Tips: It is a good idea to upgrade the Airstrike and firebase first, and then proceed to upgrade support and then hack. Another strategy is to get them all to rank two and then proceed to finish the upgrades like I stated above. Another good strategy is to get midway between the map on the left or right side, plant a firebase, patrol that area with the shotgun and use airstrike to kill enemy 'pros' and bots. If anything you want a level 3 turret, and as it kills bots for money. You upgrade your grey area to 3, this allows you to have more health. The trategy is then to move the machine gun to a more traffic are, stay near it so it heals you, heal it, and it will shoot like crazy. Invincibility. -CombatGam3r And Support is a very hard class to write tips for, because of it being a hybrid there are a few different play styles for the class. If you want to be a more offensive type support the most important skills would put passive near the top, because at top level you can escort bots and enjoy increased rate of fire, and armor. For a more defensive campy-offensive player, you can use the firebase exactly as combat described it, heavy track, shotgun heal the turret when it's hurt, this uses the turret to get all your kills. The last way is the purest form of support, but it gains you barely any money, which is hard on upgrades, so you should use this towards the end of the game when you got more money (or the beginning if you want to follow around a gunner constantly healing them, that's pretty much instant death for any player unfortunate enough to cross paths with them). You upgrade hack first, and just start building a huge defense at your base, overhealing all the turrets, and upgrading new ones. - Randle Scandal And so many other things I would disagree about these tips, but I'm not going into it. The Assassin- The Assassin is the fastest class and may sprint. She is armed with the dagger (which can be upgraded to a katana), and the shuriken thrower. Her First Ability is the smoke bomb. The smoke bomb blinds enemies and increases your health recovery. It is very useful. Activated with the (B) button. Her second ability is to cloak. Cloak is very useful and is worth upgrading. Activate with the (Y) button. Her third ability increases damage/range. It also decreases fall damage and utimately exchanges the dagger for a sword. Her Fourth ability is Dash, which is sprint. It may be activated with the (LS) or the (X) button. She does have another ability. The ability is a charge like attack where she leaps forwards and then slashes. It is useful to combine with a grapple. Press the (RB) button to activate. Additional Notes: She is the fastest unit and is very useful to a team. Should only have 1. Tips: Combine the Cloak ability with the Assassin passive abiity to inflict massive damage and get easier kills. combined with cloak she'll be impossible to catch if found out about. You do a simple, smoke bomb, jump (you'll be super high because using a smoke bomb increases your jump shortly), cloak, then go wherever and get the hell out of there.- Randle Scandal The Gunner- The gunner is a slow soilder armored in a mech suit which increases his heath. He is armed with a Mini-gun and a grenade launcher type weapon. His first abiity is his grapple. His grapple is activated with (B) and can be upgraded for more damage. It is useful enough. His second ability is a deploy much like the Tank's. It is activated with the (Y) button and decreases damage to the gunner and makes it so they cannot be headshotted while deployed. It is of moderate use. His third ability increases damage and ultimately replaced the mini-gun with a more powerful weapon. It is a passive ability and is worth it to upgrade. His final ability is a slam like the one of the Jackbot (Explained later). It does moderate damage and is good to upgrade. You may activate it with the (X) button. Additional Notes: His mini-gun is very useful if used correctly. Tips: Combine the Gunner and Deploy abilties to inflict massive damage. You can use depoy to defend choke points in the battle field. Combine slam with a grapple for a almost guaranteed kill. The Sniper- The sniper is a fast character that can do good damage if used right. He is armed with the Sniper and a sub-machine gun. His first ability is his grapple. His grapple does moderate damage and when upgraded is very lethal. If you get it to rank two and it doesn't kill the enemy it can still throw him for more damage or maybe even ring him out. It is activated with (B). His Second Ability is to throw down a trap which damages and freezes the enemy. It can be upgraded for more damage and a larger radius. Activated with (Y). His third ability increases damage with his sniper when upgraded. At the final rank it adds an area of damage effect to the sniper when it hits the enemy. This ability is passive. His final ability is the flak. He throws it towards an enemy with (X) and it drains health over time from the enemy after the initial burst which does moderate amounts of damage. It is worth upgrading. Additional Notes: He is a deadly adversary to enemies that have short ranged weapons. I.E. The assault and the Support. Tips: He is very useful on the 'Steel Peel Arena'. His sniper is easy to use so try to stay at range but if an enemy gets to close hit them once throw a flak and finish them with the smg. The Game Modes Crossfire: Crossfire is a game mode where you must protect your money ball and destroy the enemie's money ball. The money ball is at the middle of your base. To destroy a money ball you have to hurt it enough for it to drop to the ground and then destroy it. But, destroying it with just 6 players would be very hard. Thats why you have the bots. The bots are lead along to very simple paths where they may meet up with enemy bots. What you want/have to do to win is get your bots to the enemy base and help them destroy the money ball. Tips: Try to rush as a support or any other short ranged character that can do damage to the money ball if your bots out number the enemies. Do not attemp to rush with the assassin you will get destroyed by the ranged characters. You can try to wipe out the enemies with the cloak grapple combo. After you can't grapple get out and supress fire with the shuriken. Blitz: Blitz is a game mode where you try to defend against bots for as long as you can. It starts getting hard around wave 12. It is relatively simple to understand and fun to play. There are several different modes of blitz but all mostly have the same goal. Fun to play with four people. If anyone has any tips to add or anything to discuss about the game post it here and I'll add it to the tip list. Devil95's Blitz Guide Monday Night Combat: Blitz Mode! For anyone who is having a hard time with getting "Playoff", "Season" or "The Scramble" Achievements or want to achieve a really high round, Follow this guide. Before we Start: Make Sure You have only 2-3 Players. 4 is really hard. If you have some good teammates then maybe 4. Try getting one custom class bought. Thats it. Round 1-10: This is very simple, At the beggining buy 3 Rocket Turrets. Make sure its the 2 along the side of the middle on where mainly all of the bots come from and buy 1 near the moneyball. If you have a teammate with extra cash buy one of those freeze machines (Bottom one). This should get you somewhere between 10-12 Rounds. Sometime when the mascot comes out, kill him and upgrade only the inside base turrets. Round 11-20: Finally with all the insides done, there should be another enterance were the minors come from (Slims). Make a Rocket Turret to make sure no one enters there. Repeat on other side and back enterance (Behind Moneyball & Below your spawn). Round 21-30: Challenging I know, Keep this up and you'll have no problem, sadly the big guys take down your turrets, Rebuild and repeat from round 20 and up. This should get you there. Tips: Buy upgrade when you die, and only upgrade things that will help you team. Either the Gunner, Support or Tank as your character. There some of the best I find. If you have the Custom Class one, Make your perks either (Armor,Accuracy,Health Recovery or Critical Shot.) These help the most. Use Annhilation on the Jack Bots (Round 10,20,30....) only! Use Ejector on the Slims or Black Jacks. Gremlins go with bouncers, the easy way to kill them is by slamming near them, then wasting them with bullets. Gap Shots usually take cover behind the table near the 2 enterances through (1-10) so check there at the beggining or end. If you can't do it, Message Lil Devil9597 for help. I'll toss an invite and help you along the way. I will try getting this on youtube. This is the first strategy guide I've ever worked on and it works really well. How else did I manage to get these 3 achievements on Split-Screen. Good luck!
The one thing I couldn't figure of about this game is if there was (vs)multiplayer, so maybe you could clear this up.
That there is. And as for Support, no reason to upgrade air support first. If anything you want a level 3 turret, and as it kills bots for money. You upgrade your grey area to 3, this allows you to have more health. The strategy is then to move the machine gun to a more traffic area, stay near it so it heals you, heal it, and it will shoot like crazy. Invincibility. And so many other things I would disagree about these tips, but I'm not going into it.
There is... Sorry for not being clear. Yeah but the reason I have the tips that I have up now are because they work most of the time for me and I do good while using them... I'll submit this tip to the support... Also guys srry for late post I was gone the day you posted I think.
I've been using Assault a lot more recently. I like how easy it is to grapple with him and he has a left trigger aim option which is very helpful. Also planting bombs on walls at the other teams base and waiting for them to walk by is great.
You should make a clear note that when playing crossfire there should only be ONE Assassin. It's a useful class, but if you have a team of them, you are going to get destroyed. Also Tank should be using his flamethrower at close range, and you should be trying to close the distance between enemies unless it's a gunner, or a support armed with a firebase, then you should be using the rail gun. Tank's Death Lotus is extremely useful, and makes him the best counter for Assassins, as one is approaching you it's easy to spin around, let them catch fire, and laugh as they try to run while they are obvious for you to see, and finish off. Also for the Assassin, I disagree about the smoke bomb, I find that to be one of her most useful skills, combined with cloak she'll be impossible to catch if found out about. You do a simple, smoke bomb, jump (you'll be super high because using a smoke bomb increases your jump shortly), cloak, then go wherever and get the hell out of there. And Support is a very hard class to write tips for, because of it being a hybrid there are a few different play styles for the class. If you want to be a more offensive type support the most important skills would put passive near the top, because at top level you can escort bots and enjoy increased rate of fire, and armor. For a more defensive campy-offensive player, you can use the firebase exactly as combat described it, heavy track, shotgun heal the turret when it's hurt, this uses the turret to get all your kills. The last way is the purest form of support, but it gains you barely any money, which is hard on upgrades, so you should use this towards the end of the game when you got more money (or the beginning if you want to follow around a gunner constantly healing them, that's pretty much instant death for any player unfortunate enough to cross paths with them). You upgrade hack first, and just start building a huge defense at your base, overhealing all the turrets, and upgrading new ones. EDIT: Also, I'd totally submit an answer to the poll, but I don't know what my favorite class is, currently I love playing Assassin, Support, and Tank switching between them depending on who my teammates chose, although I do the best money wise with the tank, I enjoy the thrill of the assassin, and I enjoy playing support offensively, I've been doing that since my old D&D based computer games where I made an attack cleric.
Updated with your Tips and everyone elses... Also yeah I was wrong about smoke bomb I have discovered it is very useful and really helps on the steel peel arena.
I'd love to get a game together with forgehub, so if anyone wants to figure something out we'll come up with something. I'm free thursday, and saturday this week, or very late wednesday, friday, and sunday.