Monday Night Combat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ladnil, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Anyone else here planning to get this game? Or even heard of it? It's an awesome looking third person shooter, kinda a cross between Team Fortress's class based team gameplay and a tower defense game. Reach is still over a month away, so if any of you are looking for something to kill that time, check this game out.

    It's 1200 Microsoft Points, comes out Wednesday. Post here or message me if you're getting it too, we should team up.

    Assault Gameplay
    Video's just the basic Assault class, but it shows off the gameplay well.

    Uber Entertainment home page for videos and info and stuff.
    Youtube channel for more videos.

    Joystiq gave it 4.5/5 stars.
    Gamesradar likes it too.
    edit: Nobody interested eh? Come on, you can't all play Modern Warfare 2 until Reach can you?

    Also, switched the video to a real gameplay one.
    #1 Ladnil, Aug 9, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    its a pretty funny game tbh.

    our team were losing on crossfire and so i cloaked (as an assassin) and slashed the **** outta their money ball and won the game
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Overtime I assume?

    Also, seriously people check this game out it's amazingly fun. Reach is still a month away, you can spare $15 for such a great game.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    God damn the FPS in this game is rage inducing
    I'll wait for the PC release
  5. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Me, Combat, and B3NW all bought this game a little bit ago. It's very fun. There is a lot of bullshit things that can happen though. Pretty much all of the classes have a counter to each other though.
  6. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Bullshit, that supporter was cheating and you KNOW IT!

    Games awesome, get it or your a cheap bastard.
  7. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Support may need an update, because currently they are overpowered. Not too badly it just needs to make their airstrikes more obvious and a little more difficult to stick on people.

    Otherwise I love the support class (and Assassin, but I'm sure that goes for everybody...) we should get a team together to play sometime, I don't have a mic because mine is broken, but I'd still love to play with others.

    I'll run through Blitz and Crossfire, I enjoy both :D
  8. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I've downloaded it because it looked like TF2, but haven't played it yet. I'd be in for playing once I'm feeling better.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    How much Support have you played? The airstrike is really hard to stick people with when they aren't standing still or moving right at you :(

    If anybody wants to play some games with me, feel free to message/friend request. I typically play every class but the gunner. Gunner is really easy to rake in kills with, but it's all point and shoot and no fun abilities, very boring imo.
  10. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I have it and its really fun. If you're bored and need to relax it is the perfect game.
  11. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I love Support, it's maybe my favorite class, but it's just very powerful.

    Like with the right endorsements it loses the whole support thing and more or less becomes a full out offensive character. I enjoy the way the class is made now, because it's easy to get MVP and lots of money, but it should be dumbed down slightly for balance issues. Although most complaints are more for sore losers I can imagine, since support has many enemies (gunners, tanks, and snipers are horrifying)

    I just think it should be more difficult for an offensive support, only because so many players do that and end up raking in kills while ignoring teammates, I've played a tank and had a support run right past me as my health was red, and when I shot him to get his attention, he moved on and healed a black jack, which kind of pissed me off, in the same game I was followed and consistently healed by a support while wrecking with a tank, sure it isn't fair that the support gets nothing, but we ended up winning, and it was very much thanks to his playing of the class, our base was difficult to penetrate, and the heavy classes were made difficult to kill, creating a powerhouse team.

    I'm also thinking of making a custom support class for offensive reasons, and only playing that if we have a true support player on the same team, two supports are useful but not necessary and if we have one offensive, and one defensive, then we have a strong team already set up.
  12. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I absolutely can't stand the tank or support. It seems like everyone who plays them uses douchey tactics that are impossible to beat, such as two firebases being healed constantly by three support players. Somehow I find this happens to me in just about every game I play.

    I need a team that can win instead of these bad kid randoms that average one kill to every twenty deaths. If you want to play with me, just add me.
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    You realize the games been out not very long and the game is different from a lot of games on XBL currently.
  14. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Yeah, this game is awesome... I like the Assault and Support, used to be able to go 28 and 12 with support. Now I average like 20 and 16 or 22 and 26...

    I have a tips and discussion thread up here if you guys would like to submit some tips...
  15. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I met MetaWaddleDee in a game a few hours ago. It was pure coincidence, we just got matched up.

    Last game as the sniper I was raking in more kills than my entire team combined. I ended up having 37 kills, the next highest on my team being 14. And we lost.
  16. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I got split from my party once, played Assault and got 9 kills. Combined, the rest of my team also got 9 kills. I got 9 assists, one for every single kill my teammates got.

    Yeah, my team got 0 kills without me. Mercifully, my party ended the game in 4 minutes.
  17. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm working on a sig set for this game. I'm halfway done.






    #17 Mongoose, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  18. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    support is ghey. stupid ghey hair and ghey face.

    i hate the support.
  19. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Those signatures look pretty nice, but kind of bland. At the moment I use a custom assassin class which makes it so I don't die when an assassin grapples me from behind. Though I wish they would have more gametypes.
  20. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You'd still die from a back grapple, the only class that can have enough health to survive a back grapple is the tank class.

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