Original Post Spoiler Hey guys, don't hate on me if my first sketch up and first map post is crappy, I'm new to forge hub but not new to forge. I've been thinking of all the maps that could be made in FW and one of them that is a must is a cops n robbers map and gametype. So I drew one up and then used sketch up to build it. Sorry for the crappy quality, my computer is giving me fuss. I'll explain it with the pictures. ONWARD! Over view This is the over view of the map. Please remember that this is my first map in sketch up and things didn't go together exactly as I wanted them too and this is also the beta of the map. This map is meant to be built in the canyon and be walled off on both ends. This is the view from the back side in the front right is the cop's spawn(more pictures further down) and on the left is the tower with a nice surprise on the top. The full length of the map. In the back left corner is the sniper perch for the cops to watch you from. The cops spawn in the tower with DMRs but there are shotguns in the tower itself. This spawn is fully equipped with a regular warthog and a guass warthog. This is rob's spawn. The will spawn inside the structure and it will be outfitted with mongooses and all the good stuff. Warthog spawn. This is mostly for the robbers but either sides can use it of course. A nice little easter egg for anyone who can manage to get up to it. The gametype should have fall damage off so you can get it down That's about it, its pretty small right now, but Ill keep making changes to it and updating it to make it better and maybe more fun to play when I can build it. Any feed back from you guys would be great, and thanks to the guys who created these lovely sketch up pieces, oh and that random guy I got the teleporter from Version 1.1 Update Not a whole lot has changed, but I did add a couple of things, one of which is really important that I forgot the first time. ^^This issue was addressed in the update, but no escape tunnels in this build An updated overlook of the map. You should notice the changes right away. The prison block, a very necessary building for cops and robbers, that was some how looked over in version 1.0. It is complete with cells that will have shield doors and will include a teleporter to the outside that is blocked by fusion coils for the cops to destroy to let out the prisoners. This will now take the place of those four boxes that were in the city center, these are not permanent and will probably be changed out in the next update. The old tower was replaced by this monster that will be loaded up with snipers and the like. A nice addition to the wall that the cops will be able to use along with the other wall mounted guard post. That's all I did for updates today, I may make a few more changes tonight, but won't be able to update the map until next weekend. My next work in progress Spoiler
I guess this will be fun for the people who like it. I honestly hat this map/gametype with a passion. I don't know what it is but I absolutely loathe playing Cops and Robbers. With all the possibilities for Forge World, I guess you will be able to make this in a unique way.
I like the concept "cops and robbers" but This map does not do it for me at all. I prefer playing it on default maps or just modified maps so we dont have **** hiding spots.
You need to have a prison for a Cops and Robbers map... you just have to. I would suggest building something that resembles a high security prison that has small escape routes for the robbers to spawn in.
I suppose I have to give you credit for trying, although I'm not to fond cops and robber gametypes. Do what Loscocco told you, and I would recommend filling in some of the blank areas with small structures.
This is true......even rob city has a prison, :/ well this is a work in progress so its not done yet and Ill keep working on it to try to make it better. And all you guys who don't like cops and robbers, why even bother to criticize my map? seems like a waste of time but what ever. Ill keep working on this to make it look better and be better equipped for first build.
Just seems like you made a lot of random buildings around and a huge wall with a a rampway and a small base sticking out of it. I would suggest making it seem more like a city or small town instead of a cluster of a few buildings. Good luck with the later builds Rabbit.
I think its pretty good unlike what a lot of people have been saying. I don't think many people realise that this is JUST a sketchup and the final version will be much better seeing as it is ridicuously hard to use sketchup sometimes. I like how its going so far but how would the people get up the sniper tower? Giant Elevator made out of the new increased power man cannons and wall arches/doors as the sides so you may actualy go up the elevator. Also I think it would be much more interesting with fall height ON because if you add more buildings the robbers could lead the cops into a trap where they jump across the buildings, but seeing as Robbers are faster (At least I thought so) they could make the jump and the cops couldn't. I think its a great Idea but needs to be finalized when Reach comes out.
I was kinda going for that random type look, but now that I think about like station 69 and Rob City, they both seem more uniform. Im not going to be able to make completely like a city because I was going to build it in the canyon, which gives me an idea(EPIC MAP IDEA!!!!!) Thanks for the thumbs up and I think I may have to do the elevator thing if I have enough budget and maybe set up some buildings in a line with some ramps maybe give the robbers a sprint AA and not the cops I'll see if I can update the map a bit tonight, but Im really tired after work and other than that I won't be able to make updates until saturday But Ill give it a shot! I appreciate all the feedback from you guys, even the ones telling me you hate cops and robbers but you should do this to the map ;D --- I dont think Im gonna mess with this map until reach actually comes out and I can see exactly what I have to mess with. Thanks for all the advice. OH! and so no one else says it looks to open and random, this would be built in the canyon where the canyon walls would run opposite to the big wall at the back. Just try to picture it in the canyon.