Did bungie announce what their "exclusive armor" will be? Like how before it was recon and then *cough*masters If they didnt announce what it is.. What do you think they get?
Im also concerned on what it would be, but knowing bungie. they will have something really 1337! Urk on B.net has been using the new EOD so they might not even have one, yet
I doubt they would just release it so openly. I didnt expect a bungie armor to be known with almost month till release. I mean how long till recon was known?
Not long, the person who noticed it was awarded with recon, haha. but yeah they're obviously got there own elite armor,armor effect and spartan armor. they are the creators, also there is rumors that they are able to release armor through DLC, which is awesome. more armor effects?yes please!
Yeah, DLC armor i'm guessing could come in the confirmed Map Packs. and trust me i'm going to get bad rep for tea bagging. but i know i'm looking for different armor!
there's several pictures of players with blue flames similar to the legendary edition flames but well... blue. maybe that's it.
Don't you guys read anything? Thats Inclimate Weather. It's available in the armory for 2,000,000 cr.
hmrmm well i know that they've now said that if you get the legendary edition of halo reach you get a Flaming head. maybe this is the legendary flaming head. or maybe the the legendray flaming head is normal fire and the bungee employees get blue flaming helmates... i dunno. all i'm saying is that recon was very difficult to get and recon look awesome. a blue flaming helmate doesn't entice me as much. i don't think they'll say anything about the new armour until someone accidently stumbles across it. --- also it looks more like a blue orb... sphere... thing. not fire.
Spoiler is the legendary flaming helmet. Now that you compare these to the blue ones... blue flames really don't look that special at all. I'm doubtful that this is the new special bungie armor, it might be Inclement Weather though the picture of it in the Armory Video shows lightning and the description says "High voltage indeed". The blue flaming armor effect just doesn't seem at all like it fits the description for Inclement Weather imo.