Sandbox R3C0Nstruction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by kilamanjara14izback, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Download Link:

    YouTube - R3CONstruction by itdacrippledkid

    R3C0Nstruction began as a map that was going to be for a little gametype I created called Is that you? similar to clue but with no oddball part. It's already been released in a map pack by me and AntrhaXe187. Anyways, the map is based off of a construction site in an urban environment. It works best with 2v2, I have done a 2v1 and a ffa and they all seem to work best but anymore is probably a no no. There is a building, a bridge in the middle of being built, a park, 2 semi trucks, a streetlight, and the sexiest of all things THE CRANE. Those are the main features. That's all I have to say about the map, now the weapons list.

    Weapons and equipment
    BR x 4
    Carbine x 2
    Mauler x 2
    Sniper x 1
    Rockets x 1
    Smgs x 4
    Regenerator x 1
    Plasma grenade x 4
    Needlers x 2

    Gametypes suitable
    Capture the flag

















    Thanks for viewing, here is the download link again if you missed it.
    #1 kilamanjara14izback, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    The crane is pretty beast...
    This map looks very clean, to give it a more construction feeling add a porterpotty (did I say it right?) and some stacked blocks. I'll download to see what it's like.
  3. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    I really like the details you put into the map. You truly captured the essence of a construction site. I could almost feel the blazing sun beaming down on me and the hardhat on my head while playing on this "work zone" The overall layout is pretty good as well. It's kinda small and cluttery though, but from reading your description this isn't meant for 4v4. 2v2 or a small FFA work just fine, and thats what you were shooting for so great job man!
  4. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Hey this is really cool. Are those things with the two powerups merged into them supposed to be trucks? They definately look like it. Also, you accidentely double posted some of your pictures more than once.
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice man you posted this! Did you make any changes between now and when me and you tested it? Also does it still work with Regen KoTH?

    This map does play surprisingly well for such a small map. The LOS are kept to a minimum to avoid spawn killing so that map stays fun throughout the entire match. Along with the amazing aesthetics, it is fun to play and I recommend worth a download.
  6. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    darn it! i have a crane that look pretty much just the same as urs and i was just ready to post it =[ rly nice map though.
  7. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Forerunner

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    lol crane + street lamp = amazing aesthetics. More seriously though, as a competitive map I dont think this is great. It would be more fun as a casual map. Infection would be fun cuz its an urbanish environment.

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