TELEPORT SWITCH Hey guys, this is my first switch-type map I've posted. I can not take credit for the switch itself because that idea came from someone else. But everything else in the map was made by me. Overview: THE SWITCH: To activate the switch you get the custom power-up. ACTIVATION: The custom power-up releases a bomb that destroys an air lift which activates the other lift. TELEPORTER: WEAPONS: The teleporter takes you outside of the map to a row of weapons that you can choose from. TELEPORTER 2: This teleporter takes you to some custom power-ups AND VEHICLES The rest of the open space is just for having fun on the vehicles. *REMEMBER* sometimes you may have to restart the round in the beginning as the teleporter does not always spawn at "no" If you would like a tutorial on how to make the switch than message me on xbox live. GT: elitebiker18 I hope you guys like it. Download Here: : Halo 3 File Details
To me this is more of a switch to activate a grav-lift which lifts you up to the teleporter. I like the idea though, and it could be used in quite a bit of maps.