Sandbox Space Battle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ArmyStrong Alex, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. ArmyStrong Alex

    ArmyStrong Alex Forerunner

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    Space Battle

    Inspired by trailers of Halo: Reach campaign.

    Alien Ship on one side (General remake of covenant dropship in Halo CE).

    4x Banshees
    2x Plasma Cannons

    Mostly destroyed Human Ship on the opposite side (General remake of Piller of Autumn).

    2x Hornet, Transports
    4x Machine Gun Turrets

    Recommended players: 4 - 10
    During conception of this map I imagined there being a bit of a debree field but lacked the budget necessary to make it look natural.
    Any CONSTRUCTIVE critisism would be appreciated.

    Download Space Battle
    Download AstroDestroyer
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My suggestion would be to take off the effects and then take the pictures. Also If at all possible, add more pictures, or a brief description of the layout of each ship. However, those banshees on the roof of the hangar look pretty amazing.
  3. goop

    goop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well the Covenant dropship is beautiful the human base could use some work. Perhaps try to consolidate the remaining pieces into a more streamline form. The covenant dropship is called a Sprint and will return in reach. Unlike the phantom is beams troops down. Other than that though the map looks good. I would love to help you improve the map. My gamer tag is Skylion007. If you need any help just let me know.
  4. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Pretty dang good spirit (Covy drop ship). Although there isnt very many screenies are good description of the ships. Also maybe a gametype? Like the fact how the human ship is all damaged though.

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