I think what a lot of people are actually worried about is that they won't be as special anymore now that everyone can geomerge and interlock easily without spending hours and hours and going through piles of **** before accidentally deleting their work by ending the game or something. Well duh. You won't be as special. Get over it. Everyone is on equal terms now. This means two things. One; more good, fun, creative maps as people can make maps without spending as much time. Two; more crap maps. The good maps will still be found and the bad maps ignored. That's just how it will be. With bungies tagging system, everything is going to be easy to find. Reach forge WILL be "too easy" to use. But that's a good thing. Chances are if you are worried about it being to easy you just want to feel special because you can interlock. Which is something I always had an issue with at FH. It's always been about the impressiveness of the technique, then once it has attention for technique, about how it plays. No longer.
I'm looking forward to it being easier to use, which for me would make it more enjoyable. Halo 3's forge just irritates me like crazy, the way the objects spaz out all the time and they never seem to stay in the same place you left them.
Eliminating the tedious parts of forging doesn't prevent people from making crappy maps. I'm actually very pleased about this, as the 'best' Reach forgers will be the one who perfectly understand pathways, flow and spawn/weapon placement rather than the ones who are willing to spend the most time ghost merging.
This is just going to produce more, overall better maps. The bar will be raised, and all the extra time that would have been spent on aesthetics can just be spent on the gameplay, in perfecting the weapon spawns, and lines of sight and stuff. Bungie has just allowed us to have the best of both worlds, not being constrained so much with how big or complex maps can be. There will still be the terrible maps, but only because they don't play well, or get repetitive easily.
or because some idiot decided to just make a mess out of it all just for shits and giggles: random unassorted buildings, spawns that insta kill you, crppy weapons horde placements, stupid custom game rules, etc. those are the things that will decide if a map is good or not, as opposed to the aesthetics and design.
wow way to necrobump. now the creative people can make good maps, not just the people who are patient enough to spend hours doing glitches to make a map nice.
? o_0 ? How the eff' can Forge 2.0 be too easy? Yes, it is easier to make maps, but it's not supposed to be a challenge...unless you want it to be challenging?... I don't get it. Forge 2.0 is supposed to be easily accessible to anyone, and everyone. If you think that Forge should have a difficulty level, you should be slapped, and treated as an outcast. The game is what's supposed to be challenging, not creating the environment for the game.
For a lot of people there's nothing to feel special about seeing as many of them just went to the internet for the glitches. The complaints about it being too easy to forge are just stupid, do they not consider the fact that if it's easy enough for someone who was no good in Halo 3's forge that they'll be like a deity in comparison, their maps will be perfect while the lower people's will be like the greater forger's maps in Halo 3. It's not really something that needs so much debate.
There have been comments along the line of Forgehub will be swarming with new noob forgers that are making aesthetically pleasing maps, but have little consideration for gameplay; the main part of any map. I am not reiterating any other comments seeing as it was nailed on the head in on the second or third page. This is just elitism and people who are good glitcher's, and not designers, feeling threatened. I think the next stage for the veteran forgers will be to not just make good maps and post them on Forgehub, but to showcase them better. I mentioned something the the chat a few days ago. I asked if there is a guild for making videos and taking photos of maps. There isn't. Before, with limited people who could ghost merge etc, there weren't that many submissions. It was easy to take a look at all of the new submissions for the day within a half-hour or less. Now, there will probably be a LOT more. Before, all a person had to do was take a SINGLE pic that showed an aesthetically pleasing map and boom, a bunch of downloads and comments. Now it is going to take more than that. I think this will be a new major issue for Forgehub. Not everyone is a director or has the artistic nack for just taking well thought out pics and videos. If your post has a couple pics of nothing happening (see: YouTube). It may may filter through the potentially hundreds of weekly submissions and within a day, be much farther back in the forum that it normally would have been before. Even though your map may be stellar, it may be forgotten. Now, I think on top of designing a map with excellent flow, gameplay, and aesthetics, you will need to showcase it much better. It is like how the Zune had hardly any media attention but was much better than the iPod (just an example that is IMHO, not trying to start a flame war). Because of the little attention, it failed miserably. I really think the next step is for the forgers who have great maps will be to showcase them with excellent pics and videos and make their thread colorful to attract attention yet informative so that people will gravitate toward their submissions more than others. I am not saying I am excellent at this, I am merely pointing what I think will become another major part of forging. Obviously just posting on bungie.net with no exposure will get you nowhere so get it noticed here and if it is indeed a great map, you will have nothing to worry about. Maybe I am just retarded >_<
that's ridiculusq! Why would that be bad. Now hard maps to make are easier make and maps that are hard to make in reach would truely be great. THe whole communities quality goes up a notch.
Yet another person with common sense, or maybe the people who complain fear that not-so-good forgers will just make crappy game types that revolve around swords, hammers, extreme speed and active camo while having maximum shields, health and resistance. But this is something that should be said rather than "It's too easy for me to forge my ideas", well, for those people, the forge wasn't meant to be hard to use, it was meant to be that if you had a good idae for a map design, then it could be made. The forge wasn't meant to be challenging. This is basically what I would like to say: And, Tennach; I completely agree.