Bungie have released lot of tasters for forge world, and confirmed that we cannot depsawn objects but! this is bungie we are talking about here, and they love us. what if certain objects are depspawnable items, as there is a lot of things we still have to find out, forge hub is huge on a planetary scale, see what i did there?well there is a chance that a lot off things could be possible and we still don't know yet? Bungie are known for there sneaky cunning moves!
I guess if we complain enough they will eventually(spelling?) update forge with a despawn option. It would be awesome to make the night fx (purple) spawn and despawn over and over again. Night and day
No, they sound pretty straightforward with this one. When they say objects cannot despawn, it probably means that with everything. There could be a ton of secrets to Forge 2.0, but we can count that the things that they confirm to be nonexistent are true. The game has gone gold which means it is already in production. In other words, they are done with the actual game aside from bug fixing. They wouldn't make an update to something that big. It would be like Bungie adding a new campaign level to Halo 3 right now, its not gonna happen :/
Yeah, i was totally thinking that. i need to lay off the beers the now! yeah gold huh, what i was thinking is that if they release another forge world they could try and put a Despawning mode in, as i had hundreds off ideas of running through doors then it closing then it opening, kinda like a star wars thing going on haha
I sure hope they did put it in, but why would they lie to us? oh well, it would still be really cool to despawn items
My point is.BUNGIE! we know them and yet they still trick us! but lets just hope for the best there is always TU2
you never know, CoD4 did a TU and it added some pretty major stuff to the death cams and some other stuff I can't remember
Because we're not Bungie, we can't really calibrate how big a change it would actually be. I can't know for sure if despawning is a small or simple enough matter to be released in an update. But I know one thing. Bungie is sneaky, but they never lie. They aren't telling us there isn't a feature in the game when there actually is.
theres never going to be despawning objects. or interactive objects like doors. not in reach at least. that i can promise you.
well lets be honest here. they've made forge a lot easier and better to use but that isn't gunna stop people trying to find glitches to abuse. maybe in Halo Reach Forge there is an obsure glitch that despawns things. someone will find it and when they do it'll suddenly be all the range. --- *rage