Alaska Canyon Coastline Coliseum Island Lagoon Montana Pillar Quarry Other (Mount Forge, Sub area (Cave of the canyon, etc), Water, other unknown locations, etc) Just realized I accidentally left out the Rock, where ascension is. If Mount Forge is Forgeable, that's where I'll be. [ Link to map area images ] Similar polls: [ Initial Plans Upon Buying Reach ] [ Most Anticipated (new) Weapon of Reach ] [ Most Anticipated Armor Ability ]
There was a video with a camera flying high above the huge forerunner tower that you always see in the background of forgeworld. I'll be exploring that area, and the area above the waterfall till I make my desicion, but for now I'll say other.
I'll have to say I'll be forging on the Island, so I can make my ODST invasion idea (it's now different from what i posted before because now I know invasion is reversible so I can make humans attack INVADE THE COVENANT ISLAND!)
Either the Island or the Canyon, I've got a pretty good idea about what I want to do, but I'm not sure which area's geometry is better for it.
20% of my maps involve the water, 40% the air, 20% canyon, and 20% combo of all of these and the others combined. 1st one however is in the ocean near the island and between the pillar.
Probably some place that looks cool. I'll have to look around and see which areas are big enough, and which areas look nice.
i voted other. because the first thing i'm going to do is explore, on foot, the entire forge world map. find every little crook and nanny and find out as much about the map as possible for inspiration. then i'll forge wherever i feel most motivated after my; esimated 5 or 6 hour venture through the map.
Somewhere in the sky I'd assume, possible near the waterfall next to the big forge structure (if we can)
I'm sorry, but what exactly is Alaska? I've seen it on a pole while viewing and I was at a loss. Can someone please answer me this? As for the pole I have to go with other, It seems like there will be more options and ideas. all the areas are here.
I really like the look of the island for some reason so I'm gonna muck around on the island first. Probably wont make a map on the island first but first place I'm gonna check out and test stuff and forge on.
I seriously doubt the areas on "mount forge" are going to be playable. For starters Bungie has said nothing about it being reachable. Also this video seems to indicate that it is unplayable. Fast forward to 1:30. THIS
There should be am "I Don't Know" button, cuz I have no idea where I'm gonna Forge first. I have a few map plans, but I don't know which one I'll make first or if I'll just end up playing around with the objects at first. So, um, I guess my vote is "Other"?