Kinetica has sadly been lost to the ancient pile of sh*t known as H3 forge (lol). BUT, I have plans on an even better one than its predecesor, and I'm working on the sketchup of Psychokinesis, or "Kinetica 2" in theory. You'll see in a few days. Yes, I'm quite aware.
This map had my download as soon as I saw the first pic. Really nice bro. You sure that you will be able to fit within the parameters Bungie set for us? If so, brilliant map.
Please, don't tell anyone to not use your idea for the ladder idea, because you probably were not the first person to come up with it. Like it or not, somebody somewhere will probably use it with out even knowing you made it up. Just sayian' Anyway, I doubt you will be able to make this map with the budget. Though it looks big(the budget), the huge map you have designed mite be too much. It is just a sketchup so maybe you will learn how to replace objects with cheaper objects and all that jazz to make it less of a hit on the budge. It does look awesome though.
No I competely realise that but if you want to make it bigger than you will have to go outside of using boxes, windows, and the colliseum walls. Looks really good, I seem to wonder how this is even possible in sketchup, this will definatey get a feature if produced. I'd be glad to test/provide insight on the map if you would like once you release a beta version in Reach.
This map makes my SketchUps look like a pile of s***! XD Great job man, I understand if some of the interior shots are distorted, the FOV tool can be a pain sometimes. I can see this in Bungie Favourites in the first few weeks of release...