I actually liked it. It has a very unique feel to it, from what I what can see. 2 things though, what was that circle thing at 1:05, and he took damage from landing after going off the lift.
Yeah I really am not impressed with this. Getting injured from that man cannon to top mid would be annoying as well. And by the way, if these are Waypoint videos why can I not find them on Halo Waypoint on my box?
the jetpack hurt him and the thing at 1:05 looks like a teammate using a target-er telling you to go there and it looks like they fixed the grenades
Jetpack was never used in this game, he had the Hologram Armor Ability, which is what was at 1:05, as previously mentioned. I like the man-cannon having fall damage, it makes it a lot more like Bungie's original intentions for the man-cannon, a replacement for the teleporter with a risk reward factor. Can't wait to play 1v1s and Tower of Power on Pinnacle!