Hospitality A long abandoned hospital located near what used to be The Nevada Desert before the World War IIII in 2178. 2nd story hallway 1st story hallway Backyard Hospitality is a completely symmetrical map featuring a two-story hallway with multiple paths to the back yard. 2x 1x 2x 2x 2x 1x Gametypes Supported: Team Slayer CTF Download Hospitality
You might want to add a little bit more pictures and a better describtion of the map, I don`t really understand what i am looking at in the pictures given, although the pictures given were well forged.
I couldn't help but notice that this map looks a little too similar to Dyad. However, the map itself is pretty well built and looks like it has a solid layout going for it. I DL'd it, so I''ll come back later with some criticism. Post game edit: The spawns could really use some work... Everyone was spawning out by the OS, where there's no cover or paths out. Because of this, it was quite easy to spawn camp. Also, the sniper balcony's floor is very bumpy so you might want to fix that in a later version. The layout works fairly well, but the spawns and minor forging errors prevented it from reaching its full potential.
It does look really similar to Dyad. It looks like you just took out some structures. Also it seems you have taken out some of the spawn points. But you could have made it. I'm sorry I don't mean to troll, it just looks a lot like Dyad
Honestly, it started of as a conquest map and sprouted out. This is the first time I've even heard of "Dayd", I guess I should check it out.