The Guardians, obviously. Why you wouldn't know that is so beyond me that it loops around and is actually under me. See what I did there? It loops around... Like a Halo ring!
yeh, but really its ancient forerunner structures, and their so called "monitors" guarding wht we know as the flood..because the halo ring is a weapon/holding facility. if the flood get out of hand..then the ring practically tactical nukes everything in the galaxy
Everyone knows scaffolding is around the edges of a Halo. But if you mean, a Halo box, I'd say green plastic.
Yeah, thanks. I heard that the banhammer is locked in a huge golden temple with a giant 7 on the door, and anyone breaks the barrier will be splattered by not-of-this-world entities, ether that its Chinese takeout, you're choice.
that failed so hard warpath. Who knows dude? its a fake universe in a fake world made my fake people n a fake existence where we all believe in fakes and its all fake and we wonder about fake things... i lost myself there
If you look up into the sky on a Halo ring, you can see that there is a metal border dividing space from the ring. This is likely a massive wall. Because, think, the water could easily escape if there was nothing holding it in on the parts of Halo that are just ocean. If the size of the Ark were to provide its gravity, it could not possibly exist. Given its shape, it would destroy itself. There's a reason planets are round.
The Ark in Halo 3 has a massive, very dense planet in the centre of it. That could account for some gravity. Also, there's a Dyson Sphere in Halo Wars (also forerunner) which contains a small star inside it. (also account for gravity) And if the Covenant can make gravity lifts, who says the Forerunners can't? Covenant technology is based on Forerunner technology. By the way, there was recently an official halo Encyclopaedia released. Halo wiki updated accordingly. Also another halo wiki quote.
That planet is about half the size of Earth. Not that massive. Also, the only reason for it being there is to provide material for constructing the Halos. I doubt it's necessary to keep the Ark functioning, or from destroying itself.
It's made of iron. Average density of the earth is 5.5g/cm^3. Iron is 7.87. However we have to take into account gravities exponential decay, so regardless, all these figures would feel about the same in the grand scheme of things.
Realistic answer to 'what's on the edge': A giant wall, with nothing on the other side but metal plates. Partly realistic answer to 'what's on the edge' (realistic if humans or brutes are there): A guy (or brute) pissing of the edge. Un-realistic answer to 'what's on the edge': Thousands of millions of Flaming Recon!!!!!