I have had many sigs made for me (and one that i sucked at made by myself.. and i would like anyone else's opinion on what one they like the most, or if you would like to make me one post it there. Here are my sigs: This one was made for me by Ak1knight. these two by Reaper of bunny This one(my personal favorite) was made by deepmonkey paw.. where is he now?? he was the best sig maker i knew This was my first crack at photoshop. i made it myself feel free to make any comments about these.. tell me what one you like the best. and also feel free to make me one lol EDIT: also the one in my sig was based from ak1knights at the top, the words removed by reynbow and the new ones added by me.
i love the one you have now personally. Though I love reapers knight in that sig, it's pretty sweet looking. O nd if u havent seen, reaper made me a new sig... its awesome :]
well could you fix that one at the top? i would use it if it had that even heroes fall thing in it, and maybe make my name a little clearer
hmm its sorta cool.. too much with the words though, i cant read it too well. and the knights i don't really like as much as other things you could have used
alright.. well i just edited this: the only thing different about this one from the other one is that i added "even heroes fall" onto the right side of the sig. i wish i could change the name as well but its sorta in the layers.. if someone could fix that it would be a help.. who thinks this should replace my old sig? and maybe some advice other than reaper
rofl maybe it would work!! It might be a million to one chance if my calculations are correct. but it just might work
There we go, I think that's a bit better. I dunno. Up to you if you wanna use it lol. I hope that's what you were looking for =] Btw I definately think you should use this rather than the blue one you are using. The blue one would look alright if the boreder wasn't so ... Dodgey =\ I don't like the border for the blue one =[ This Black and White one is way better =D
ok, can you get me a link to the c4d you used in the first one? it's sweet and i need some better c4ds.
im sorry.. ak1knight made it for me. so i can't really do anything about it. you could ask him.. he probably either has it saved or could tell you how to do it. and reynbow, thanks! im just gonna slip my name in.. and thats done. your right i dont really like the border for the blue one either. but thats how it goes with the game. but thanks again lol
No worries mate, it looks good =] Screw the game, the border sucks lol xD Oh and the game is good ... lol Anyway! =]