
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Killerjoker11, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. Killerjoker11

    Killerjoker11 Ancient
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    Map Title: Corars
    Chaos, Fast Paced, Close combat Fun!

    Download Map

    This is a Chaos, Fun, Fast Paced, Close Combat fun! Some things to know bout map. I made it Impossible to get out, Seriously. The Shotgun is hidden again a open single box, and a interlocked box. The reason why there's a overshield
    in the middle is because with all the grenades, shotguns, bruteshots, snipers going around. This overshield is basicly Nothing! It can' help you get bout 2 Kills though if your smart at using it. I added a sniper for thoses No-Scoper Snipers, A bruteshot "We all know it's pwnage.", Needler ":(", BR's, SMG duals, and Plasma Rifles Dual.
    There's a Bubble shield in a single box, and a Regenerator on a side of a single open box.
    Ontop of the boxes where the bruteshot, sniper, needler are, There's plently of cover from the side you DON'T get up from.:) I put my Interlocking into this, i never was that good into Interlocking. It's not alot, but enough to have fun with! I Recommend 2 - 4 People to play, The game can probably Be played with Team Slayer. So i hope you had fun with this.
    All pictures i took was in Gameplay. P.S. There's no gametype needed since it's just needing the regular bungie gametype slayer.

    My Friend getting Overshield in Middle.
    Me and my Friend Fighting to the Death.
    Cuddle Time!

    Have That Fun, And this is my First ever Slayer map i've made ;)
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So it's only that one circular room?
  3. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    it looks like "Spire" by one of the guilders but with one floor
  4. Killerjoker11

    Killerjoker11 Ancient
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    Yes only one circular room, but that doesn't mean it sucks. It's lots of fun. Play it with 4 people and your know what i mean :)
  5. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
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    EMO CHARZARD!!!!!!!..........burn him at the stake.....mmmmmmmmm stake goooood

    on with the review
    1) circular and small in a not so good way
    2) emo........ CHARZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3) shotgun on a small map, a really small map, a freezer small map
    we just might have a winer

    lol but really nice map good interlocking just I wish you had more pics

    with e...x...t...r.....e......m..... EMO CHARZARD!...

    with emo charzard(extreme)
    bib bob
  6. Killerjoker11

    Killerjoker11 Ancient
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    I did say close combat. ;) it's really fun should really try to get 4 friends and play together with it. Next version 1.1 i'll probly Edit it a bunch.
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Way to small for 4 peeps . Seriusly looks like you'll get Assasinated when you spawn. I dont see much use for the sniper rifle. Shotgun is overpowering especially when you got the overshield.
  8. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Can't really get a feel for the map with the three pics that you posted (especially the last one), but if it's just the one circular room then you have spawn issues and too many power weapons (sniper and needler are actually kinda pointless in that small a map, but shotgun would dominate).

    Also, a bunch of the stuff looks thrown together in no particular pattern, it's nice to show off that you can interlock, but make the map more cohesive and not so disheveled.
  9. KB

    KB Ancient
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    looks like a good 1v1 or 2v2 map
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I would be impressed if you made 1 or 2 more floors and added more cover. Just a suggestion. :)

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