Sprint, just because, now if I have a close range weapon, or encounter someone with a rocket launcher, I can get really close to them. Drop Shield seem like a good second choice though. Hologram seems, noobish to me.
Hologram is going to be epic. Armor lock on the other hand, is a failure IMO. Please don't reply saying, "no it rocks", cuz I really don't care.
I'm not that excited about Hologram. Sprint is my ****, and I'll probably use dropshield cause I loved the bubble shield.
Well, I don't think I can choose. I am really anticipating all of them, but I guess Hologram seems to be the "Big Picture" in my mind. Then, Jetpacks would be next, I mean come on Flying Spartans with DMRs FTW. Think about Team SWAT. :O
Theres no way theyre going to give you jetpacks in swat. You could make a custom gametype though if you wanted to
Armor Lock Juke FTW. I loved Juking the Rocket guy with Armor lock, as I made him waste two rockets killing me!
I know I might seem a bit noobish but Active Camo. It was my favorite. I always like sneaking around and scaring people. I annihilated people in the beta with it, so many assassinations. Or the Hologram, so misleading yet so much fun to use to fool people with.
I'm an Elite, so doubt i'll be a spartan often, anyway: 1. Hologram <> Active Camo <> Dropshield 2. Jet Pack 3. Evade <> Armor Lock
Not to mention that all abilities are for both species. You only have a 100% choice in customs, unless you're only planning on playing in elite specific matchmaking playlists. (If those even exist)
Hologram just missing Jetpack. Holo will be fun for machinma and photos, while jetpack is gonna be fun just boosting around all over the place.
You actually do have a choice, I remember reading somewhere that you choose one race as a preferred, and it tries to give you that race when you play.
yes you have a perfered choice, but in most games that wont matter and they will force you to be a race
I like sprint a lot and thought Active Camo was cool, especially how the sound got muffled. Hologram look interesting as does the drop shield. The one I'm looking forward to the least is the jetpack because I play on Bumper Jumper which makes it hard to use the jetpack well.
People will say I'm a noob for this, but I really enjoyed jet-pack. Just having that little extra aerial power was really useful. You could fly to otherwise unnaccessable areas on Swordbase and rain death from above with a barrage of nades and pistol shots on Powerhouse (Damn focus rifle!). On larger, more open maps however, such as Boneyard, I much preferred sprint or evade. PS: I loved jet-pack so much, I gave up Bumper Jumper and switched to good old Recon. PPS: Go Reach! Post this on your next post if you're hyped for Reach.