During various videos when they are talking about the Coliseum, they say that it is the size, if not bigger, of Sandbox's Crypt. MY ASS. To me, it looks a lot smaller. Maybe smaller than Foundry. What do you guys think?
If thats how big they said it was, thats how big it is. The lower room may cause the illusion of being small.
Granted, it looks small in comparison to the rest of Forge World, but perhaps you're simply underestimating how big Forge World really is.
Did you see the video where the put the lockout tower inside it? That should give you a sense of how big it is.
Okay, think of this. Those giant rocks that they show us from time to time when they are floating them, specifically the Arch shaped ones, are big enough to drive a couple tanks under. They are freaking huge. You know how massive ascension is correct? Well, that island's top is similar in size (I'm only talking about that tiny part on top) and the collesium is about the same size as the whole damn island. You know how INCREDIBLY massive Blood Gulch was? That isnt even a tenth of forgeworld. The place is massive, so massive that some people dont even realize how massive it is. I would be willing to bet that it is larger than several campaign maps from the earlier halo games.
No he was talking about the whole map.. @deathyoyo... i wouldnt go that far. OP:I thought the same exact thing! it looks so freaking tiny compared to the crypt but were going to have to go see.
Actually if you watch certain videos on You-tube you can clearly see that it is as big as the crypt if not bigger. In one video the uhh person put down a tower an exited monitor mode; I was like wow (if you get me).
It does look pretty small. Its probably because we've only really seen it from Monitor mode. If Bungie say it's bigger, I'm sure it's bigger.
It seems about as wide as the crypt but more rectangular instead of sqaure. I think the wall, coliseum object is about the width of the coliseum by the height. Where the longer edge is the base
watch the video of the reach panel at Comic con, they mess around inside of it and it looks a lot bigger EDIT: Heres the video, but its an hour long Epic Reach Panel At SDCC2010
i guess your right.. Crypt just has that hollow emptyness that we wont be experiencing in this new version.. I loved griffball down under
I think it just looks small because you are comparing it to the whole map. The game is Mind F*cking you!