A map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ZeroChaos69, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. ZeroChaos69

    ZeroChaos69 Ancient
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    A zombies map which a couple others and I made. I made quite a few changes afterwards though because the zombies kept getting spawn killed. Anyways onto the map.

    First off you can download it here

    This map makes a real zombie situation out of halo 3 when players have to defend one room from 3 attack points. Zombies have teleporters to get them into one of the 3 surrounding rooms. To prevent humans from killing the zombies from right out of the teleporters there are many teleporters and cover right in front of them. Humans have much ammo so it's all up to the zombies to get in there and kill them. I have not personally tested this map out, because none of my friends ever want to play zombies, so i could not tell you how well the map works, but from making it I would say it will be quite fun. Good if there are 2 zombies at start. I might make changes to the amount of weaponry or make them not respawn, I don't know yet.

    Zombies main teleporter entrance.

    One of the zombies entrances to the humans main base.


    And another...

    And finally the humans main base.

    EDIT: Made changes to the weaponry: Only 6 BR's with no respawn. Players should spawn with Magnums.
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    Interesting concept (I did it as well :D ) but your map doesn't seem very balanced
  3. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    ^^ agreed, map doesnt seem balanced at all
  4. ZeroChaos69

    ZeroChaos69 Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    can you help me out then and explain whats not balanced about it? i haven't got a chance to try it out yet but it seems pretty fair for both teams if you ask me

    idk maybe i just wasn't meant to make maps >.<
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    Balance in mapmaking means that both teams have a fair chance of victory. This map seems completely one sided...favoring the humans drastically, I'd show you what I mean but I don't advertise
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    Take a look at some of the ACMP maps like mario tower and DK's jungle they feature well balanced gametypes including infection gametypes. Another note test your map thoroughly before posting, this shows professionalism and that you want to ensure the best quality games on your maps.
  7. ZeroChaos69

    ZeroChaos69 Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    I would love to test my maps but none of my friends ever want to play halo 3 and when they do it's always match making.
  8. ZeroChaos69

    ZeroChaos69 Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    idk i'd say it seems pretty fair. but I can't exactly say that it is for sure because i don't have enough people that want to ever play zombies on my friends list.

    EDIT: changing the map as we speak.
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    Don't double post, but you have joined a community devoted to map making and custom games, so meet some new people and good luck on future work. Although I would love to help you I am terribly busy on making my second app map.
  10. ZeroChaos69

    ZeroChaos69 Ancient
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    Re: Zombies? on Construct?

    Sorry about the double post i wasn't thinking.

    Anyways I changed the amount of weapons in the main base to 6 BR's with no respawn. This should help out with balancing it for the zombies.

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