It's not just for Marines, it's also for ODSTs and Spartans..... and yeah, it should be stronger if it's used all throughout the UNSC
Still If you read the rest of this thread (not directed at Ladnil) You will see many other reasons, some of them good, to change multiplayer balance.
Well, Reach is balanced pretty well. I know that because I will actually pick up every weapon and use it, unlike in halo 3 where nobody would pick up a spiker, SMG, or Plasma rifle if it was alone. There is never a good reason to change multiplayer balance if it is already pretty well balanced. (and I didn't see any good reasons to change the balance in this thread either)
There's one opinion layed out. to be honest I see everyone on matchmaking picking up an SMG (not so much a spiker) because the AR just wasn't good enough or some crazy reason. Anywho I hardly see anyone use the AR unless they have to. I usually see people on my team actively looking for a BR (and if really persistent, a sniper too) And replacing the AR then they would have a BR magnum. Serious WTF moment there.
I would use a magnum over the AR for the headshot capabilities and the better accuracy. Obviously though people would want the BR. Its an all purpose weapon. Its best is medium range where it shines. Its not bad at long range, but worse then the sniper and not bad close range but is beaten by many things. However, its dominance at medium range is why it is so sought out. Its worth the risk of running into a shotgun at close range. I do take one thing back and that was the SMGs are pretty useful, however at certain close ranges, the AR has it beat if you tap the trigger. MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more Take a look at that. On the right hand of the screen, it shows that the AR is close to close mid range. That is where the gun shines. Its not meant to be sniping people from medium range.
I think the AR is nerfed in Halo 3 and is even more so in Reach. It should be more similar to the AR in CE since Reach is closer to that time period.
I <3 teh Assualt Rifle. 3 little pigs got shot down, Teh Endz. And that's how Halo:Reach Ended, "Daddy your so silly thats not how Halo:Reach Ended..." (Dad) "And you adobted..." (Kid) "Wahhh?"
??? Why? Final boss has been in the top 8 for a while and so have other teams. Theres a reason besides teamwork. Besides I can beat a lot of people 1 on 1 but I remember playing against you while testing utah mambo, I just couldn't kill you because you were ridiculous. (I did slap myself just to make you happy though)
As already stated: Also, as stated many times in thread as well, the H CE AR was balanced within that game's weapon compliment. Try and put it in a game without things like a 3SK Pistol, a sniper with a really quick repeat rate and a plasma rifle that renders you almost stationary to balance it and you'd have yourself one overpowered weapon. I have to say that I thought the AR in the beta was pretty decent, much better than the one in H3 merely by merit of damage not bleeding over from shields, negating the spray/beatdown approach. I thought damage was decent (not to say I'd be against a slight buff, but nothing even close to significant) and it was useable at the ranges it should be useable at. I also don't get what some people said earlier in this thread about it sounding wrong compared to the H3/CE ARs. The CE AR sounded BEASTLY. Big, chunky, loud and really intimidating, I think the Reach AR is finally getting this quality back again and moving away from the weedy sounding H3 AR.
I wouldn't make the AR too much stronger, but maybe a little, it can be annoying wasting a whole clip on one player.
What is this... I don't even... Ok wow what kinda quote is this. Lolz whats ur reason man, Jeez you sounded like one of those guys I met in my first and last game of MLG before I swore off the company that made the H3 playlist that made gameplay dull and based off of one weapon. (my opinion, do not flame or say "Noooooo, not truuuuue! *noob laugh*") Seriously though the CE AR was powerful, but it is balanced by its shortened range. If any weapon needs to be nerfed, its the shotgun. Too much range for its power, even more so than halo CE
The shotguns range in CE was absolutely ridiculous. No other halo game has topped that, not even reach. The AR in CE was powerful. What helped balanced that? Probably the 3 shot pistol with a scope. The DMR is five shot and other weapons kill times are long as well (non power weapons that is). Thats probably one reason why the AR isn't like the CE AR. The reach AR has its own little niche which is short and short medium range. Theres a reason you have the pistol as a secondary. Thats for medium and longer ranges that the AR can't reach.
I wish the AR was stronger and had a longer range say Short to Medium Range would be nice. I love the AR but the "Gunnin and Bashin" thing is overly used by many players (myself included lol). But if the AR was stronger, I think it should take half a clip to kill someone that way people won't have to Spray and Pray you or just Shoot then Melee you. But personally I think they should make the RoF (Rate of Fire) higher and give it a damage boost though.
I guess I can go on you with the Range but RoF if they increased it, they should lower the damage a little to balance with Damage and RoF. The faster, the stronger.