Left 4 Dead Ok guys this is my second map i have made and posting on forge hub so i hope you guys like it i all so wont to give some of the credit to iTz Kneecap eH for helping me by making base B and all so wont to thank TH3 DARK ODST for helping me make sure it all runs smoothly and well it dose i have spent alot of time and care on this map so i hope you enjoy it because sure did making it and then playing on it the game type you need will be in the link at the bottom of my thread along with the map hope you enjoy! Story You were on a military training exercise for 3 Month`s and then an urgent distress call coming from a near by lab saying that thay were under attack by unown humans that had died about 3 years ago so your training team went it to find out what was going on but there were no bodies so you and your team search to hole area and then captain Ray had gone missing then wen you were about to leave and return to base the unexpectable happed your transport got nucked and the the lab went in to automatic lock down for 12hours will you survive only time will tell.. army bunker 3x turret and 1x rocker launcher House A in corner 3x shotguns 4x br and 1x sniper Inside of the army bunker 3x turret and 1x rocker launcher inside of house A 3x shotguns 4x br and 1x sniper house B made by iTz Kneecap eH x2 rocker launcher 1x sniper x1 plasma turret 1x spartan laser camp site 4x br 2x shotgun 1x rocker launcher inside of house b made by by iTz Kneecap eH x2 rocker launcher 1x sniper x1 plasma turret 1x spartan laser inside of the bunker (lot of wepon`s) out side of the bunker (fence walls spawn after 120sec) lastly A BIG THANKS TO iTz Kneecap eH for his help! GT=Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details MAP=Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Thanx for the credit!! (I thought I did pretty good for my first time ghosting) I like the main base with the crates and the slanted windows. I also liked how you added the little camp-site, But I yet to play an actual game on it...
ok i haventplayed this yet but it seems kind onesided withthe three turrets in one small hallway and 4 shotguns in one house now i havent played it im just saying how it looks so i might be wrong
Just to let you know, it's not the shitty L4D with the insta-kill zombies all over the place. There's a custom power up with a grav hammer (Tank) that spawns later on in the game that makes that spot alot worse than it seems, overshields also spawn a little bit in to help out the zombies. So the game isn't one sided, the zombies should always win as long as they don't spin around in circles in one spot the whole game. That spot is more like a place to weed out the noobs so the zombies get some back-up.(The tank is the top left stick Zombie so I'm pretty sure their all screwed anyways)
That was well spoken LieutenantLambo you are indeed right it does seem like that is a bad idea and after my first to rounds it was found to be very very bad. To much camping in that particular spot. You need to not have a turret in there at all. The shotgun room was actually very easy to enter and kill all the humans. so no worry's their. Now even though I'm not part of the Review Team I think your map deserves a review. Enjoyment: I found this map to be as every other Left 4 Dead I play fun in its fast paced game and bunker bases. I enjoyed almost every bit of this map. Alas it had its bad parts such as, the ultimate camping tunnel, and its house full of shoguns. My friends had grown tired of Left 4 Dead long ago and lost interest quickly. I give this map a 7/10 Balance: As I find in every Left 4 Dead map the humans have an unfair advantage against the zombies like, instant kill, bunkers, and rapid fire weapons. So I have yet to find a Left 4 Dead with any balance, this one is no exception. The weapon set-up could not have been worse for their were to many power weapons in one place. If they had lessened the amount of guns and game the humans less ammo the game may have been better, but I found it an unrelenting Tirane against the zombies who have no chance. I give the balance a 3/10 Durability: In this map the spawning was better than some of the other Left 4 Dead maps I've played but still unsatisfactory. I found there was no way to "break" the map as it is an open area map. There are many problems with the map. Such as, it need better respawn points, zombies should be able to kill the humans faster, less power weapons, and very little amount of camping spots. You need to work on your weapon placement or your weapon limiting. I give this map a 2/10 Aesthetics: Your map is extremely neat. everything is ghost merged perfectly. Your building are top notch and nicely placed around the map. I especially like your camping grounds. Your bunker has just the right amount of cover in it. The part about the map that i noticed is that in your bunker you have a slanted window which immediately caught my attention. You did a good job on your aesthetics. Some of your building are floating which may cause some zombies to go underneath and kill them through the floor. I give this map a 8/10 Originality: This is where I must rate you the poorest because this is in no way original. It has been made way to many times and in way to many different versions. There was practically nothing new about your map. You may have merged your objects better than some of them, but it still seems to be the same Left 4 Dead. I give this map a 1/10 7/10 3/10 2/10 8/10 1/10 Total: 4.1/10
the turrets just leve the ppl on them till the tank spawns and then u can kill them esaly and if that dosent work il edit it
seeing as tho this isnt like left 4 deads campaign, survival, scavange, realism, or versus mode, Im starting to wonder why u called it left 4 dead?? it might grab my attention more if it wasnt even called that