Okay so my jump team, Exposure, has finally created our main video called one for the books. Check it out and leave any feedback! YouTube - One For The Books - Exposure's Halo 3 Campaign Trick Jumping Montage
Now THAT was impressive. Never before have I seen seen such insanely incredible jumps, and the fact that they were in campaign makes it just that much more incredible.
Holy freaking crap that was insane. That has to be one of the best jumping videos I've ever seen. And, as Rorak already said, that fact that it was done in campaign makes it even more awesome. Great job!
Ohhh man, you had me at RJD2 <3 That was quite an experience, it brought a smile to my face. Simply amazing job. o/
Haha, thanks. Campaign is a ***** for jumping but the reward of people saying comments like this made it all worth it! I really want to say about 5-10 seconds but im not really sure. lol Thank you very much kind sir! <3 Huntar! Lol, we have actually heard many people say this about our video which is a surprising but awesome compliment so thanks!
I was somewhat surprised to see red Buddha in the credits, a friend of mine. Though after I watched the video, we did go into campaign together and explored. We nearly found one incredible jump, but alas, a barrier screwed us over. Ah well, it was fun. Though the hour long process of getting an invincibility out of the map was not.
holy ****! If you messed up the jump you had the restart for most of those.... Bravo..Bravo. Do you have a multi-player map montage?
Well, we hit checkpoints ad the saved and quit to make it easier. Many of us are from different jumping clans such as Back to Basiks, Team Ascend, and other so yes, we have Multiplayer map videos.