Is it bad to have a map that can seem open? I an currently in constructiona nd almost complete on my final map. But I am afraid it may be too open. So basicly, it having openess a bad thing in a map? Here is a picture of the map I am working on so you can get an idea of how open it should be or not.
You might want to add a box or something to that open area to the bottom-left of the middle area. From what I can tell, the map is symmetrical, so add another thing to the top-right as well to correspond. Other than that, it not too open. Isolation is even more open, in my opinion. Also, is the map built on the bottom of the sky level? If not, I would add a walkway that goes under the map and makes a long route to the other spawn, so flanking is better.
I am glad to hear that it isn't that open, but I do not get where you are sayign I should add stuff, can you go into paint or somethign an circle the area in which I should add stuff?
I'm suggesting that you should put a walkway under the main level of the map, where the brown area is (dotted line being the part you can't see in this picture). It doesn't have to be exactly like that, but it would be a good add-on to the map, and give people more options.