well ill be home tomorrow night so start asking around if people want to hop in on the testing, but your on my team. bastard.
Yes I'm so good that you would want me on your team ^_^. But seriously, I need one more day, if not two to finish because I got aggravated and started deleting a bit. But the I started again so yeah....
lol, um yea sure we can go with that, but i SHOULD be home tomorrow so im gonna start my map and then ill help you with yours.
Deadline is closing in fast people! Hurry and submit your maps. (But not too fast because I want them to be good)
Hurry Hurry! we are looking forward to see what you guys have, remember its no longer an MLG map pack, its anything thats competitive; SWAT, Snipers, TS, FFA, just to name a few
Deadline is tomorrow at 11:59PM UTC/GMT -6 hours people. If you're working on your maps, try you're best to hurry the hell up because you only have two more days. If not, then don't worry about you're chance to win them points.
Ooh this is getting interesting. I'm gonna hang around and see what happens because your map pack seems to be coming together nicely.