My 1st UNSC Frigate Ok Guys this is my 1st map on halo 3 i tryed to make a frigate but it did not turn out right but i still worked hard on it took about 3-5 hours the map is 90% mine theres a phantom that is some 1 elses so i am not taking credit for that but the rest is mine so heres some pics of the map hope you like it MAP LINK = GAME TYP = FUNNY : Halo 3 File Details ENJOY and all so the Phantom was made by Zow JR's i have only just fount out cuz my m8t showed me it new pics amo room on second floor at the back the room on the 3rd floor at the back the 2nd floor passage yhe 3rd floor and way to top and the 2nd floor rocket the 1 and only power wepon on the unsc ship NEW MAP PREVIEW SOON GOING GOOD SO FAR Ok this is my new map guy i have no clue what to call it ere are some previews the bunker fence walls spawn after 60sec the little house not completed yet turret on the bunker inside the little house like i said not done yet so far took 3;28;38 link to vid proof
The ship is actually very well made even if it didn't turn out right to you. I specifically like how the inside of the ship looks so smooth, but I would like to see more pictures if possible, because it looks great but before downloading I would like to see more of it. My only complaint is that I think some of the outside could use a bit more interl0x! I'm Gonna give it a 9/10 after seeing the inside
This is pretty good for your first ship map to merging could use some touchng up and as far as I can see most of the inside is solid and as for the tank in the hanger bay I think that might have a hard time on the way down. It's a good start, let us know if it is playable. More pictures please.
That looks pretty good! Although the exterior could use moar interlox, it looks really nice! And you posted a pic of Zow JR's Phantom there, no credit to him for that?
Lol someone used my phantom in their maps! ^_^ I feel so loved! Lol anyway the frigate does look like it took around 5 hrs to make. But you seemed to spend more time on the inside than the outside. But I will DL and do an accurate forgethrough. Welcome to FH!
The new pictures really help give a better feel for the inside of the frigate. It looks really nice. You could make this a territory game where troops drop from the frigate to defend a territory under the frigate from "covenent coming from the phantom. Your next map looks pretty cool to it looks like it has a huge bunker.
That second map looks awesome too!! I love the boxes mixed in the wall and the little house, but sadly I couldn't see all the Foundry pictures because my laptop will only load half the image... I would love to test the bunker map sometime though.
second map i am takeing more and better care on it so hop you like it uplode wen done and put link on this post