YouTube - Learning Tactics as a TF2 Spy‎ A quick video commentary after 2 days of having the game. Thoughts? Tips? Suggestions? Do tell! Thanks for watching!
I hate microsoft. D=< I WANT NEW UPDATES FOAR MAH 360. Now for a tip. NEVER BE AN ENEMY SPY. Its suspicious that you're just sitting back and not rushing the enemy team, and you don't have a "Mask" on and you don't have your knife out. There also should be an toggle switch, I think its "`" to change from the enemy team, to the friendly team. Believe it or not, It can help. You could mislead them by being a scout, making them believe that there is a scout rush, Or you could be a heavy, and have a medic heal you, or a fellow spy stand near you as a medic. Also, you could run away as an engie, and then go invis, making them follow you. Then change to one of them or just come un-invis and give 'em the back stab. Some tips for spy checking: If you can't run through your teammate, HE'S GONNA SAP YER SENTRY. If he is slower than normal (e.g. a scout) He's a spy. If he always has his primary weapon out. You might want to shoot at him because when a spy is dressed up, it will always show him with the primary weapon out. The easiest one to spot is the Engineer. Engie's rarely have their shotguns out. They have their Wrench. And if you think that there might just be a spy somewhere, spin in circles and shoot.(Best works with the Pyro[The same thing goes for halo 3 ohmygawd!!!knowway!! < < Spy check'n you foo's.])
For two days of the game, you did pretty good. Some tips though, for spy, try and act like a member of the opposing team. What I try to do is get to the side of the team through a less used path, and then immerse myself in them. You basically just flaunted your way through the middle of the map, which, with experienced people on the other team, would have gotten you blown to shreds. For the "head on" approach like that, use the Cloak and Dagger.. it will be alot more effective for the kind of tactics you're trying to pull off. Also, although you can only do it once per disguise, you can press b while disguised say as the Heavy, and it will switch to the shotgun. You cannot switch back unless you re-disguise yourself. This can be used to show that you are not a spy..wink wink. Two more things, pressing b while not disguised will return you to your previous disguise, very useful for quickly hiding yourself. Finally, I'd say the three best classes to disguise yourself as would be the Pyro, the Sniper, or the Soldier.
The thing is, actually what I've been planning to say in my next commentary, is that disguising as the enemy spy has gotten me sooo much farther than the other classes. I'll say a couple reasons why I think so right now. 1. Nobody really cares about your own team spy. 2. Nobody expects the spy to shoot or anything if they are on your team. If you are say, a soldier or a pyro, you should shoot if you see the enemy....when you don't it's pretty much a dead giveaway. 3. Friendly spies appear pretty much everywhere. Say they were just behind enemy lines, and sprinted back for a resupply? Who cares? Let them do their spy thing. Get me? 4. Something I just realized. Disguising as the enemy spy has become so taboo (so many people have told me the rule to never do that), that maybe people just have come to not expect it anymore. I know it's weird, but the enemy spy disguise has been working out for me with the highest consistency so far. BTW on a side note. What is tele-saping, and how does it work? I saw a vid, but I don't get how the engy on the other side of the teleporter dies?? PS: Thanks for the comments, they are much appreciated!
Tele-sapping? Like sapping their teleporter, causing it to blow up, and on the "Sender Node" will turn off, but still be there, and vice-versa
Tele-tapping is a nice little tactic where you try and kill the opposing engie without ever really having to come into contact with him. First, throw a sapper on one of his tele nodes, and then stand on it. If it is by a spawn point or base, you'll want to disguise, or even turn invisible, as the enemy team will be on the lookout for you. After a few seconds, the engie should realize (if he is by his receiver, which likely, he is) that it has been sapped, and will go and repair the tele (if you repair one side of the tele, it also repairs the other, vice versa). Once it is repaired, you instantly teleport, and if the engie is standing on or at least pretty close to the receiver, he dies. It's basically like physics or some crap, killing the engie by throwing yourself at him.
This is something I did back when I played TF2. I would go on 2Fort and disguise myself as an enemy sniper. Then I would go to the upper deck at the front of the enemy base where the snipers usually go. Then, whenever an enemy sniper comes out to snipe, you just sneak up behind them and backstab.
If the video I submitted gets on Machinima Respawn, I talk all about why the spy is one of the best disguises. BTW I'm on a Mac. Macbook Pro 15 inch 4 gigs of ram, i7 processor. Blazing fast. It just gets slow when I am rendering one video thats 15 mins long on a multipass, and when I am playing TF2 and recording at the same time. My comp just froze 40 mins ago, and I lost some golden footage. I was gonna commentate on it and sub it to Machinima Respawn again...hate my life..
you do know that all source games have a recorder built in similar to halo's theater mode except you can render out the demo files. it is better quality and you don't get lag when playing EDIT: YouTube- How to Record and Playback demos in TF2 - PART 1 OF 2
No, I didn't. How do I render them afterwards though? This could save me countless lost videos. I've lost 4 machinima worthy ones already! Is there a script that lets me do it all by hotkey though? So it would autoname the file when I started it at the beginning of a match, and end it when I told it to and stuff?
Wow, that is a livesafer. Thanks for posting. Also, sdrac, I got my old computer back, so if you want to play sometime, and uhum, learn some things.
Okay mate, and I also found a script that binds keys to auto record and stuff. Whats your SteamID again? IDK like half the people I added because they have diff usernames