Jhez, where's the love? It does look sweet. I understood what I was pre-ordering the day I laid the money down, so none of what I saw in the trailer came without warning. Personally, I have a love/hate with CoD. For starters it's simple and utterly satisfying to play [killing someone who takes video games too seriously is all it takes to put a smile on my face.] Yet a consistent streak of failure will make me look at the t.v. and wonder why I'm not playing Halo. What I'm getting at: It's hard to say CoD doesn't present a solid shooter even with annual releases. Judging by the similarities between the teaser and what we were given in MW2 it's obvious Treyarch is releasing what might be a "rip off" of MW2, but there still is a lot of **** they are tacking on that long term fans have been waiting for (e.g. the jump dive, deployable cameras) which are sure to introduce new play styles. On top of that > Theater mode, what more could you ask for at that point. Pros out weigh the cons with this one.
The beta's going to come out after Reach is released. Even then, the beta won't affect the final game much. The WaW beta barely did **** to make the game better. The controls and core gameplay itself in Call of Duty has always been very solid. In fact, my only real beef with it is that the still isn't a weapon assigned to the D-Pad because a weapon that is a one hit kill that has a huge lunge should NOT be assigned to the thumbstick or not have to be pulled out first before being used. The developers of the games themselves are just very bad at maintaining balance and focus more on trying to shove as many gimmicks into the game as possible despite it potentially being abused or cheap. The only pros I see are the graphics look nice and the fact that the knife MIGHT be a secondary weapon. From a perspective on the game being balanced and rewarding skilled players, the game looks like a mess that's trying implement too many stupid ideas that seem cool to get the game to sell at the cost of being broken. It's clear that Treyarch has no idea what the hell they're doing. Theater mode itself is just another gimmick to get the game to sell and will probably function like ****. Not that I expect much from the Madden of FPS games.
*sigh* MW2 isn't copying every CoD Game, IMO it's different from every CoD game that preceded it. It's about as fair as any game can get, which is why so many people get frustrated and hate it, as well as all the flaws and what not. Don't like being killed by Killstreaks? Cold Blooded. Don't like hitmarkers? Hardcore. etc. etc. Lets not turn this into a thread about MW2. As far as i knew, this game isn't just set in Vietnam. So MW2 Killstreaks would be perfectly ok.
Holy ****! Look at the first guys Red Dot real close... Its a ****in Smiley Face! That makes the game worth it right there!
Okay back on topic. Ive done a little breakdown and watched a few on youtube. Heres things that i've seen: 1. Clan tag on the back of your gun, in the first clip look at the back of his gun, there are 4 letters = clan tag 2. Napalm strike near the end, you cant hear it unless you turn turtle beaches up really really loud, they say: 'Napalm strike inbound' or something along those lines 3. This guy does a dolphin dive somewhere around :41, he doesnt get killed if you wanna troll, he dives. 4. In the clip around 1:07 his killstreak looks like a normal airstrike, or something like harriers. 5. The 5 killstreak is the guided missile, pretty standard stuff 6. The map at the end in theater mode is called Launch, he was playing FFA 7. In the sniper clip, if you look at his mini map you notice a pulsing circle, it looks like a UAV type thing, but only over a certain area, perhaps equipment. There are other things, but most of them are obvious. I hope this helped Peace out <3
YouTube - Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Trailer [HD] Okay. Now even i have to admit that looks pretty cool
A few things about Black Ops 1. I like how the RC Car doesn't kill unless the enemy is damaged 2. The graphics don't look that improved 3. The Ark Angel (I think that's what it's called) looks like **** (horrible graphics) 4. The Crossbow looks like its not that cheap since it probably get to get a direct hit to kill 5. The guns looks like they have a little more recoil (good) In the end, I think I'll buy it but this game will probably be worse than MoH and definetly worse than Reach
That trailer is like any other video game trailer. Introducing new and "cool things" so people online can go "DUDE THEY HAZ RZ CARZ ANNE CAMERZ" Its really dumb and i will not be getting this game. I'll cya on reach
I would watch what you say, There alot of people here who have a great taste for Call of Duty Games. So Please Shut Up. Anywho, IGN posted today that Zombies is back. Sadly, you must get the Hardened or Prestige Edition. Also some more bad news. Its the same maps. I hope it comes with Black Ops Weapons because otherwise thats complete bullshit. Let me buy my 800 Point Map Packs (1,2 & 3) but not notice that I have to pay again to play in Black Ops. Bullshit. Some more things I noticed in the Video: Duck/Roll ability, Clan tag on Gun [tmKS], Smiley Face on Gun (Side) and Smiley Face in Red Dot. Finally you can make Montages with that 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 slot.
I dont understand..if thats a threat or a heads up... Yeah thats another great fail you got there with your fail zombies. (waw was fine but what their doing for Bops is bullshit) Clan tag, smilely face and 10 slots.. Those are ok i suppose
All Treyarch does is use features from the previous CoD game because they are too lazy to think of their own. That is what happens with every CoD game.
Yep^ and then they add three new features to attract the kids who are like "dude there is a camera man! its so awesome bro! i cant wait guys!"
That made me facepalm myself so hard. Look at the difference between halo 1, halo 2, halo 3, and halo ODST, and then HALO REACH Their so much similar right? with their identical graphics,gameplay and weapon mechanincs Yeah i guess they are pretty similar. Forge wont be changing from halo 3 (as we all know) And they didn't totally redo the graphics engine to make the game function better along with their online system.
Besides it's not like Bungie has been shoving down halo down our throats every year. This will make the 7th year in a row that this awful franchise continues to exist. CoD2 was the best and the first MW was a fortunate accident (much like Halo CE's pistol, except this is an entire game).
See, that's where i'd have to disagree a bit. It's true CoD stays much the same each new game that comes out, but IMO that is down to treyarch, not CoD as a whole. CoD4 was the first leap, IW. MW2 was actually a massive lot different in lots of different ways than the others (if they had taken more time on it, and listened to what people actually said, they could have made it great). But CoD3 and WaW like you say were poor, in terms of value for money.