Hey everyone, I've recently started uploading some videos of Firefight on ODST, offline, on my own, sat in my room, with the door shut, naked. I decided to mess around and not really play properly, just because I was sick of being such a try-hard at everything else in every other game. I'm interested in what you guys think of these 3 clips, and whether or not I should continue uploading videos like this until, and after Halo: Reach's release. If you think I should continue, please leave as many suggestions for playing firefight as possible, eg playing with blind on, play on weird controller settings, only use beat downs.. and so on, use your imagination So here are the videos I have currently: (I will update this post every time I release a new video) I HAZ MAD FIREFIGHT SKILLZ (It's true) YouTube - I HAZ MAD FIREFIGHT SKILLZ ODST Quality test (Epic sniper 270 rape) YouTube - Halo ODST Quality Test The green way is the keen way YouTube - The green way is the keen way Thanks, tuEgg
Right, so no constructive criticism or anything helpful at all, only 'thats some of the worst no scoping ive seen'. You know it would be nice to have some feedback other than just letting me know you don't like it, for example suggesting ways to change it up, or tell me to only focus on my strengths. Think before you post.
How is that bad? I thought that was pretty sexy, besides the fact ODST Sucks ****. I suggest some editing and music combination to make it alittle less bland.