Sandbox The Octagon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Gravitas, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. Gravitas

    Gravitas Ancient
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    Welcome to The Octagon, a compact eight-sided arena stockpiled with nearly every weapon imaginable that will put your twitch-shooter skills to the test.

    What gives the Octagon its own distinctive flavor is its borders: 16 horizontal teleporters all set to random. Suddenly this small symmetrical area is open to attack from any direction, creating a frenetic and disorienting contest to remain alive. Combine this with random weapon start, and you have a recipe for crazy over-the-top fun.



    The following video illustrates the Octagon’s simple mechanics far better than I can describe in words or even pictures, so just watch it!


    I will make a weapon’s list if requested, but as the video should demonstrate, the Octagon contains most of Halo 3’s armaments (some set to spawn later into the match), with an emphasis on close-range weapons.




    My friends and I have had a blast on this map, including some who are not exactly Halo veterans. The Octagon’s immediate in-your-face nature provides an enjoyable experience for even the greenest of Halo players. That’s not to say skill is obsolete, however, as the best players typically win. But with gravity hammers, swords and an endless supply of grenades scattered throughout the arena, everyone is assured a good time.

    We generally play simple Slayer with random weapon start but the Octagon is accommodating of most any gametype. Mosh Pit is a nice change of pace and even CTF is possible, but feel free to use any gametype you desire. I designed the Octagon as more of a “template” for user game variants, anyway, so go crazy and let me know what custom variants work best for you.




    #1 Gravitas, Aug 12, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  2. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
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    Wow. When I first saw this I wasn't too impressed, admittedly the forging was smooth but the concept was simple and I've always been turned away by arena style maps. But I decided to watch the gameplay video. This map looks unbelievably fun! Hectic with an adapt or die feel, it's the sort of map my mates and I always love to play. Keep up the good work.
  3. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
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    This game doesn't only play insanely well, It's made well too. Most maps like this are cheaped out on, but this one obviously had some time put into it. On top of everything else the teleporters was an awesome add on. I love this map, and have already played it quite a bit. Every game was better than the last and you never end a game un-pleased (unless everybody quits the game -_-")
  4. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    forging looks clean enough but i think playing it would give me a headache. The mass of weapons really lowers the look of the map, maybe it would be better having no weapons on the map but with a gametype that starts players with two random weapons everytime.
  5. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    That video was insane and the teleporters really add a new level to the fight to the death theme. It simplisity and the hectic gameplay is what will probably make people want to play it again and again. You should have put in the flamethrower or some firebomb grenades for good measures. Let us know if there is a specific gamtype.
  6. Gravitas

    Gravitas Ancient
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    Coincidentally, we have played that a number of times with generally good results. Set starting weapons to random and set weapons on map to “none” (I thinks that’s Fiesta Slayer, right?) and voila, no more cluttered white-trash arena.


    The only problem is that oftentimes players will spawn with a plasma pistol, needler or something else that is practically worthless when your opponent has a shotgun in your face. And that is why there are a mass of weapons strategically placed all over the area.

    Thanks to everyone for the kind words. My friends and I have really enjoyed this simple map, and I'm glad to see others getting some good out of it too.
    #6 Gravitas, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  7. sniperbait636

    sniperbait636 Forerunner

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    Wow This looks like one of the most fun maps ever I love arena type games and the teleporters are a great idea I cant wait to play this.
  8. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    Nice smooth and clean map. I'm happy someone made a Octagon on Sandbox with exciting features and enjoyable game play. Keep it up! I expect great work out of you! Especially after seeing this!
  9. Hat

    Hat Guest

    This map looks fine, but I think the weapons laying around have no purpose. The only time I would play this is if I had some friends and we just wanted to have some fast paced action packed fun. So of course I would have random weapons. There would be no time to find the weapon I would like and use it. I would be dead! The weapons make the map look messy even though it is very clean.
  10. Gravitas

    Gravitas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So what, like always then? ;)

    Like I stated earlier, if the numerous weapons on the map really bother you that much then just play Fiesta Slayer. But in testing, players actually do use the default weapons and very often, at that. We've tried it with and without them, and the majority of testers prefer them on the map.
  11. Tennach

    Tennach Forerunner

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    this map is ****in awesome! me and a few mates of mine spent about 3 hours on it last night just because it's soo fun to play.

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