Sketchup Map: Acrophobia, -UPDATE- Map Complete Ive been working on a new map with the Advanced Sketchup Objects by MickRaider. And as you can see, with "Phobia" in the name, it will be like the map Gephyrophobia. Gephyrophobia was know for its awesome gameplay, and its sheer size. So, with my love for this map, i wanted to recreate it, in a whole new way. So, ForgeHub members. I give to you... Acrophobia ------------------------------------UPDATE!------------------------------------ Acrophobia Build Finished! Ready for Reach! As you guys may know ive been working on Acrophobia for a little bit. And after a bit of modifications and i am finally pleased with it. So, Here it is! I turned the back walkways into tunnels, due to the bases being "embedded" in the cliffside, to add more feel. I also made two airpads, one for each team. And for cover, i will do that IN reach so i can get a good personal experience. but just for aesthetics i added pillars on the main bridge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Post(Old-Ish Pics) Spoiler Acrophobia is a large symmetrical map made with Big Team Slayer and Big Team Objective Gametypes in mind. This map has four main focal points: The bases. The Walkways, and different elevations(For Jetpack Use =]) The Coliseum(Center) And the Air Pads. Acrophobia will be my first project in Halo: Reach. But im slighly worried about is size, and the budget. To demonstrate the size of the map i put a warthog in the center. And remember, its just in beta stage! Many Changes can still be made!
That looks pretty nice... You has some good sketchup skillz. It is too empty to be that big of a map though, you could maybe make it smaller or add more walkways and such. Good design, How does the "Center" Work... How do they get over there?
I understand what you mean, it does look empty because im waiting for the game to come out to add cover(more personal experience needed). And with the coliseum, it is actually flush with the walkways so you could just walk right onto it.
Don't the side walkways need to be much longer? and there was a giant bridge underneath the map. I'm not sure how accurate you are trying to be, but that lower bridge had the greatest vehicle battles.
I understand completely. I recently posted a Map Sketchup (Which by the way didn't get like any replys! ) and people seemed to forgot that it was a sketchup and I would go into more detail when the game comes out. This looks like it has potential.
Yeah looks like the whole thing would have to be bigger. Also isn't the map angled? The Bridge isn't flat and is multilayered like the bridges in Assault on the Control Room.
Can you restate that? i dont really understand your point. Sorry T.T Im not trying to be accurate at all. i made it with inspiration from Gephyrophobia. Plus im thinking of adding a lower level for close quarters.
this isnt a gyrophobia remake. just inspired by gyrophobia. looks sexy. i want it. we will have to see how gameplay works out. and yay for good jetpack maps!
ooh! and with all the new vehicles this map is gonna be SICK! --- Update: Got some more details in the bases and the walkways. Also, has anyone made a banshee or Falcon model yet?
Oops I read this as a remake of Gephyrophobia not an inspiration. I meant the main bridge in Gephyrophobia is slanted, it's not flat like the middle part of your sketchup is.
Looks awesome! You've bought me. I'm reading this as an omni-symmetrical map. (In case you don't know, omni-symmetrical would be like Sanctuary or Standoff, where one half of the map is flipped, and it gives it a twist-like quality. A symmetrical would be like The Pit or Valhalla. I hope I'm making sense). Anyway, I have this urge to add a secondary large floating structure onto the other side as well as this side. The other thing I always try hard to think about when I'm making a large map is how a person moves around on foot. Try to come up with ways to get around quickly. Take Avalanche, for example. If your ride is blown up and you have to travel on foot, you're not really stranded, pretty much wherever you are. Looking forward to downloading this map!
Oh! ok yea i got ya. Plus im thinkin of putting a lower walkway under the main bridge. Thanks! I did put one fast option, the lifts at the left of the bases. thos will probably be a vehicle cannon to get the length i need to launch people(Marked as those blue Lights) Im also thinking of putting a LOT more cover, to make the map seem smaller, but still enough room to drive. and i might be putting a floating platform in the center with like a laser on it, and grav-lifts to get up (for more motivation and jetpack use).
I know that you weren't remaking Geph, but I don't like how you kept the main "big" walkways on the same plane. Simple height differences can go a long way into improving gameplay and the overall look of the map. As it stands right now, the lines of sight on the walkways are MASSIVE. I can tell you right now that I would get frustrated quickly by constantly getting Donged (tm) from the enemy base all the way across the map. Also, "adding" cover can be problematic when it comes to vehicles. The random cover in the original map was troublesome and unnecessary. Don't make the same mistake with your successor
Yea i understand, dont worry it wont be a big problem. im gonna do ALOT of playtesting to get a feel, to place the cover where it is NEEDED most not just thrown down, like the lines of sight from base to base i might just put pillars in front of them for cover. And plus, the airpads(2 now updating) have a perfect overlook of the whole map so beware of snipers --- Bump for update