Something to take into consideration....

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ninjashifter, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Ninjashifter

    Ninjashifter Forerunner

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    So you know Halo 3 right? You know switches activated by fusion coils being destroyed? You know how there are delay switches using grenades? OK. Well......

    In Halo:Reach we have a grenade launcher, the grenade fired can be delayed from exploding until the trigger is released. Now add that idea with the destroy switches.
    A grenade can be held down and thrown down a tube used to have a delay until it reaches its destination. Many other things can be made using the grenade launchers hold feature, although i'm not creative enough to realize them. DISCUSS!
  2. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Why not just wait before you throw a grenade?
  3. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Because maybe someone wants to make an intricate puzzle where the player has to hold down the trigger while accomplishing miscellaneous tasks before they get to the end and they have to stand in an exact location while releasing the trigger in order to win or continue the puzzle.
  4. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    I don't see how you can't just wait to throw a grenade. In the puzzle situation, what would make them hold the button?
  5. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Because at the location you would need to be in by the time the trigger was activated, you couldn't throw a grenade from. It would either be too far away or the angle would be wrong. That way, it could be incorporated as a part of the puzzle to not be able to release the Right Trigger whilst doing various acts.

    Here's how I would envision it. There is a hole full of fusion coils, and you're given a grenade launcher and some normal fragment grenades. If the fusion coils explode, they release a mongoose rolling down a slanted surface, at the end of which is a 'land-vehicle-only' teleporter (no foot soldiers), which you need to go through to advance in the puzzle. If there is no one to get inside the mongoose to drive it into the teleporter, it continues to roll down and off a cliff where it can't be recovered, and the player is forced to reset the puzzle.

    Now if you use a normal frag grenade, you can't reach the mongoose in time.

    If you use a halted grenade launcher grenade, you can leave it in, walk to where the mongoose will fall, trigger the explosion, and grab the mongoose before it rolls off the cliff.

    I hope I make sense. Tell me if I don't.
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    This actually makes a lot of sense. I would love to see this integrated into puzzle maps!
  7. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I understand what you mean.

    Let's say you have to launch a grenade, now if you pick up another weapon while holding the trigger, the grenade won't go off. So let's say you still have a grenade on the ground and you trade the launcher for a DMR. You run further through the course/puzzle, the DMR WILL be needed. Then lets say closer to the end of the course/puzzle, you pick up a seperate grenade launcher activating the explosion, completing whatever task it was needed for.

    Just my idea.
  8. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Your idea made me applaud!

    You could even make it so that when you switch the launcher for the DMR, you purposely drop the grenade launcher down a hole which lands on a lower level and you need to use it there to complete the puzzle.
  9. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Delaying a grenade explosion...I love it!

    Pretty easy to incorporate into a puzzle. Just have a tunnel where you have to fire the grenade down to destroy a pallet that is blocking your path. You then have to make your way over to that area to get passed the destroyed pallet, before it respawns. If you just fire the grenade and let it blow up straight away you would never make it to the destroyed pallet in time, before it respawns. If, however, you fire the grenade so that it lands next to the pallet, ready to blow up, then make your way over to the pallet and blow it up once you're there you will have time to make it through before it respawns. Simples!

    I dunno what you guys are going on about, switching weapons and such. I highly doubt you'll be able to hold down the trigger and switch weapons and still not have the grenade go off...that would be kinda silly.
    #9 buddhacrane, Aug 12, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Holding down the trigger and swapping weapons made the grenade not go off in the beta unless the grenade actually got shot otherwise it would despawn eventually(I think if you got killed as well it got set off I'm not sure on this one). I don't know if its gonna be fixed in retail though.

    But it is a good idea especially using it to blow up something that would blow up for half a second to unlock a path for half a second to run though or a lot of things can't wait to try this stuff out.
    #10 WWWilliam, Aug 12, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  11. FORTR3SS

    FORTR3SS Forerunner

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    I See...

    But can the grenade last forever if held down? I remember in the beta I might have tested it but either lost where the grenade went or died trying. Also wondering if the grenade can destroy a fusion coil or explosive simply upon impact without letting go of the trigger.
  12. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Sorry everyone. I misunderstood, I thought he meant holding down the trigger until you want the grenade to come out.

    Those other ideas are phenom guys.
  13. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I dont see the advantage of this but i guess there are posibilities with added objects etc in forgeworld
  14. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    I can see this being incorporated into puzzle maps hardcore.
    But i think the lack of moving items will make them so boring..its going to be all about traveling and finding the right path from now on unless some serious work goes on.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Clever, I like puzzles that need some trial and error to become clear.

    I remember someone saying once that they preferred puzzles which focused more on your ability to think around the problem than being able to execute something difficult within the Halo mechanic, was that you? This thread made me think of the principle of throwing a grenade in to a hole to activate a switch, removing an obstacle or otherwise allowing progression through a puzzle map. Factor in the possibilities outlined in the OP and you could have a nice trial and error, pattern based puzzle. Instead of one activating switch through the hole, you could have, say, four. Through the hole would be a pipe-like rat run system for the grenade, with four fusion coils activated switches at measured points along it. The spacing would be measured in terms of time, so that the user would have to fire a grenade and hold the trigger for 2 seconds then release, then fire again and hold for 4 seconds, then fire and hold for 6 seconds, then again for 8 seconds to fully activate the switch.

    The above timing sequence is just an example, you'd probably want to have much more spaced out activation points to reduce the potential for flukes, though in turn this would make balancing the timing with fusion coil placement harder, and it is a rather delicate system at best. You could do things like a small, U shaped space of objects raised out of the floor slightly to stand in when firing, with a slight distance to the actual hole meaning trajectory was consistent as well, making prediction of grenade path and timing easier. I'd definitely have to try it out to see if it's even feasible, if grenade paths are reliable enough and even if they keep rolling indefinitely in a correctly angled pipe. But I like the idea of a multi stage nade switch like this, the fact that the player would get confirmation upon activating each part of the switch (possibly with visual reinforcement through part of their obstacle disappearing/moving) then have to work out the pattern would make a nice puzzle experience imo.
  16. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    In Halo 3, some objects were solid and others weren't, but I think there's something about Forge World that is very easy to forget. It's not that all the object are solid now, it's that all objects can be either. Any object in Forge World can be set to move.

    (I wonder if fusion coils can be set to solid. Gasp!)
  17. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Your wrong :/
    An object cant be set to move around freely.
    but they did confirm "Fixable" fusion coils
  18. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    This is a genius idea. I can't wait to see what the puzzle guys will do, because this is nothing compared to what I can imagine they will pull out of their sleeve.
  19. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Let me rephrase. Most objects have three settings, "normal", "phased" or "fixed". "Normal" just means the object will roll around if the physics would allow. I didn't mean to say that an object would start moving on it's own without anything starting the motion (an explosion, gravity, etc.)
  20. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    you can set it to be placed like H3s forge, where it bumps into stuff and falls, but when some objects settle they are settled for good, so if you shoot a block with rockets it wont move.

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