Left 4 Dead Gametype and guidelines thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MetaWaddleDee, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Left 4 Dead Gametype and guidelines thread

    (Thanks for the pic KratosAurion777)

    Well, I guess you are wondering what the Left 4 Dead game is, right? The Left 4 Dead gametype attempts to recreate the same feel you had in The Left 4 Dead, in Halo 3, this way anyone can make their own L4D level. How is this possible? Well, with some map requirements and interesting gametype options it is, every class is in the game, and they each serve a unique purpose. Others from ForgeHub and I have been working on this for a very long time, and the entire project started at the Halo 3- L4D Survival Remakes.

    Game Variant

    Levels compatible with the Left 4 Dead gametype:

    The Church

    What makes this Left 4 Dead game different than all of the other failed attempts of recreating the Left 4 Dead feel? As long as the requirements are met, the game will be balanced, fast, and a test of skill on both sides of the infection. “Balanced? Ha! Infection games have never been balanced!” Well, this game is balanced because the humans only have 3 power weapons, and when they run out of ammo their teamwork is keeping them alive. So, what are the requirements, I’ll get to that later, there are more pressing matters at hand.

    Gametype specs- I know absolutely none of you care about specific info, so let me sum it up, Humans have 12-13 sword slashes of health with no recharge, zombies BARELY get killed by one punch, humans have a regular run speed with 150% gravity and full vehicle use, and zombies run at 125% and jump at 100%. The way damage resistance and damage output is setup in a way so the Humans can punch down a door (pallet) in one punch, and it takes the zombies 4 hit to break them, so they are vital for the humans to keep. Another important note is that Zombies can only pick up equipment for the first 3 seconds of their life. There is (currently) no possible way to make health packs in Halo without ruining the core game.

    -The humans MUST have only one of each on the following three weapons, assault rifle, shotgun (only 1 extra clip), and sniper Rifle, these three weapons are the best guns in the Halo Left 4 Dead (Halo) and it is very vital to balance that these never respawn. Any other weapon is optional but SMGs, Battle Rifles, Magnums and Maulers are recommended for secondary weapons.

    -Zombies must have their spawn points on top of the following equipment; sentinel beam, flare/radar jammer, active camo, and custom power-up/hammer. These equipment sets represent the Smoker, Boomer, Hunter, and Tank. You may add any additional equipment to your level, just make sure it doesn't kill gameplay

    -Zombies need a choice in where they spawn via teleporters or other means.

    -There should be one central area to hold out in (I have tried other map layouts, all have failed.

    The classes of the zombies were meant to represent the zombies function and playstyle best, not the appearance (otherwise the boomer would have a flamethrower).
    -Smoker- (Sentinel beam) The smoker’s weapon was very hard to choose, it needed to do damage equal to the amount of time he is exposed to the humans, not a hit and run weapon, sentinel beam and needler are the only options from there, but the needler does way too much damage.

    -Boomer- (Flare and Radar jammer) Flare and radar jammer best represent the boomer for these reasons; It blinds the humans and forces them to put their back against a wall.

    -Hunter- (Active camo) to be honest this isn’t really the hunter from L4D, the hunter from L4D wasn’t sneaky, but the best ones were. He was given the Active camo to break up the humans’ defenses to balance gameplay.

    -Tank- (Custom power-up/Hammer) the custom power-up gives the tank A LOT of health enough health to almost always beat a human 1v1. And the tank has both a hammer and a sword for a reason, the hammer is better in a group, and the sword 1v1.

    Human weapons:
    Humans’ weapons give the humans something variety and make everything more entertaining to do, instead of having near infinite ammo on an amazing gun, they give the zombies a chance to break the defenses and gain a new teammate. No weapon is excluded from this list; these are simply the default weapons and settings I have found to work best.

    -Assault rifle- easily the best automatic weapon in the L4DH3 game, it is also a beast at taking out the tank, this is because when you are running from the tank, at that range is when the assault rifle does its best. (1 on the map, never respawn)

    -Shotgun- best anti zombie gun in the game, the only flaw in this gun is that, it has a terrible match-up with the tank, you die, and usually the tank can rip you up before you can pump enough led into him to save yourself. (1 on the map, never respawn)

    -Sniper Rifle- This gun is, well obviously, the best at ranged combat; it takes smokers out like nothing to it, and does decent damage to the tank, but has a low ammo count. (1 on the map, never respawn)

    -SMG- It is usually a secondary weapon; it’s not bad, but is usually saved for when your primary runs out. (2-4 on the map, 10 second respawn)

    -Battle Rifle- another secondary weapon, but this one is good where the SMG is bad, and vice versa. (1-2 on the map, 60 second respawn)

    -Magnums- These bad boys are pretty bad, there pretty much only in the game if you have a 16 person game. (2-4 on the map, instant respawn)

    -Mauler- a pocket shotgun basically, this thing is a beast just like its name implies. (1 on the map, 45 respawn)

    -Spawning is key in these games, if the zombies can’t keep the pressure on the humans, the game is ruined. Zombies should be able to get to the humans in about 10 seconds, and they should also have an option in where they enter the game, whether it be via teleporters or man cannons.

    -Focus the map around one central holdout, it isn’t mandatory, but making two holdout areas means that it will be harder for the zombies to get to the humans. Although if you can make it work, by all means do it, this gives the humans’ game a little more in-depth and fun.

    -Make certain jumps that can only be completed by the zombies to give them a little more mobility

    -If you decide to use regular spawn points to have the zombies spawn in-game, remember that they should be able to get to the humans in about 10 seconds.

    -Other equipment for the zombies can easily be done, and isn’t excluded, if you want to give the zombies a regen, go ahead just make sure it doesn’t ruin the game.

    -Ask yourself, "if I were in this game, would it be fun?"

    If there is anything you wish to know about the gametype, just ask and I’ll do my best to answer.
    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  2. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    Nice Guide Meta, maybe your Left 4 Dead Gametype will be the official one, like Debaytors Judgement gametype. Maybe this guide will set the standard for Left 4 Dead games. I wish I could get a few test sessions with you without lag, it would be so much more enjoyable.
  3. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    Theres a problem with the smoker though...If the humans pick up the sentinel beam theres going to be alot of unhappy zombies.
  4. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    yeah, this is true and has happened in game and it's quite annoying. There really is no other weapon to represent the smoker though

    Hey meta, I'm currently making my own l4d map that us not based off a campaign, just my own creation. Since you obviously have experience in making these kinds of maps, could you possibly help me? Yknow, give me some advice. Just send me a friend request if you can help, thanks.
  5. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The humans picking up the smoker's weapon isnt as big of a deal as you guys think, It has a VERY short lifespan and isn't that strong, it can still happen but its not a way of surviving without going to the weapon cache.
  6. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    I have played it myself so I still stand by what I said. Its true that the sentinel beam is the closest thing to an accurate smoker, but without a party full of trustworthy people that wont use the sentinel beam, its just too powerful IMO. I personally have made a L4D map along time ago with a smoker handled the same way, and once again it did not turn out good. Theres alot that Halo 3 is capable of, accurate L4D games unfortunatly isnt one of them.
  7. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    It disappoints me that no one has made any maps for this gametype besides Meta :(
  8. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    Thank you Meta for this gametype. I have been trying to recreate this gametype for a while now. Going into custom games every minute then going back out to change a setting was quite annoying. Luckily, I am trying to forge a map right now that uses the Left 4 Dead Gametype.
    #8 InFamousx, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010

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