I thought it was coming out in May? Its only April 30th...? Oh well I'm at my dad's house anyway. I would be playing right now.
Unfortunately, the 50 part is true. I feel that I am almost there in slayer, and it will take away from the novelty of 50. At least now I know that I can get it. It seems as though they made ranking up hard because I just went 7-1 and am a lvl 7. In my only loss, I had 19 kills was MVP most of the games, so I guess they are making it harder to level up. No more leveling 3 or 4 levels a game until you get to about the 40's.
It would be pretty easy... but I don't think it got any harder. One of my friends said he was already ten on Swat.
Well, maybe I have bad luck because normally in 7 wins (the eighth was my first loss) you can get to at least level 10, especially when you are carrying your team against decent people (most of the people I played were 40's with a couple generals).
wait a minute! i can get a good ranking with this. unfortunately i play half as much as reaper and my other friends so they wont let me play with them
Bungie just as well might take SWAT off ranked after they see a sudden spike in the number of 50's. Before you day that this is a stupid comment, remeber back to when they did exactly the same thing in Halo 2, it was ranked, too easy, so it became social. I would suggest then that you all get to 50 as fast as possible, and it won't be as easy as you think after about a week...
haha very funny reaper. lol. but is it still easy to rank up in when you get a higher rank? i wouldnt know
well your up against generals and such so it all comes down to laggers, random shooting, luck, and skill
I've lost all my Halo skillz because I forge so much. I don't have that touch like I used to. SWAT is actually a challenge now, where as before I was like Tex, getting MVP almost every game. :-( --dc
I have given up on SWAT. The Elites, BR spread, Host advantage, Magnums, Luck, and other BS have ruined it for me. It is fun to play casually, but it is so frustrating to lose to players you are better than because they are host.
Ya i agree the host thing is really bad and the playlist feels like they took 5 minutes to make. Also the elites are the dumbest thing in it. (no offense to regular elites only to those who don't normally play as them.)