This is the first time I have seriously attempted to go outside my usual space theme, so I am new to the concept really. First time where smudging has been key to my work, so there are probably some tips that you guys can give there. Hopefully my first sig in this area won't make your eyes bleed. Any tips are appreciated really... V1 in spoiler Spoiler
colors are bland and the background isn't anything special. the blending is decent but it's not catching my eye. same with the text it's good placement but looks meh.
Updated with V2, with more vibrant colour. Thing is I have never worked with this style before, so everything is sorta just me working on what I see in others' sigs that seems to work. So if there are tips on how to make it better, feel free to share.
Honestly why would I? I already have the program, so money is not an issue. There is no definitive benefit to GIMP over photoshop (the other way around in my opinion) I would then have to relearn EVERYTHING in the new program. My files are PSDs not the GIMP format... And based on another thread I saw, you are attempting to use this as shameless self-promotion as you linked to your own thread, which is (I believe) against the rules of the forum. (It is in most forums) So why should I switch to GIMP?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Eh, colors are bland and boring. Work on your basics. Lighting, Depth, Focal, ROTT...
You are hereby banned from posting in GnA until you are no longer a plight on the community. I've looked over your recent posts and they're all arrogant pieces of idiocy, **** that makes this community look bad. While here you don't exemplify your normal routine of debasement towards the artist, you are blatantly laughing at a person for suggesting a program that many people use as they cannot afford (either monetarily or morally) procuring other programs. You post again, you get an infraction. Continues until you're banned. If your reply to this, you get banned instantly for outright defiance. CnC is NOT "I'm better than you, you did this wrong." CnC is NOT "You're horrible, you shouldn't be posting here." CnC is NOT an attempt to inflate your own sense of self-worth by devaluing the work people have put out for you to CONSTRUCTIVELY criticize.
I made a suggestion is all. Also,Explain to me how I used this thread for self promotion because I didn't mention anything about me in this thread. In the thread you are talking about I commented on his sig,and asked what he program he used.(Same as I did to you) and asked if he could comment on my thread because I wanted his opinion.I didn't know that invloved you,Guess I was wrong.
Both programs are the same. You just have to know which one you want to learn from and stay with it. There is nothing wrong with GIMP, even if you have PS, it all depends if you are better at which one. Even tho basics ideas dont really need to be relearned and what not. Oh and PSD's can work in GIMP just an fyi For cnc here you go. ( Btw I dont give cnc alot so take it what I give yeah ). Its your first sig (non-space) and it seems pretty basic is most aspects, which is normal. Most things I can't really tell you about like flow and stuff being that wont really help, becuase it is of course your first. However if you do know the things like flow, depth, coloring, etc there all things to try to work on as a progression when you're working. The text is really nice too, I have to say. Now the other things id say is for smudging, unless you want to too look very grudge, use smudging in moderation. Im guessing this is a render then from If so then try this. Have the render, and then go fetch a wallpaper or scenic screenshot from Reach and use that as a background. Then use smudging is moderation to blending the render is and maybe try some effects ( Like C4D's or something similar which can be found on devientArt). Hope this helps mate
Thx KB, as you said, I havent much practical knowledge, so I wasnt sure how to use the various tools, and I just decided to essentially try some things I had seen work, however I knew once it was done that it had came out, as almost everyone said, bland. I have worked with text before so I am not as nooby in that region. So thanks for actually giving serious advice, it helps. On that other note, I obviously dont know at all how GIMP works, so I am just going to stick to PS, which I have owned for almost a year (although havent used it much). @xHaRl3y HaVoCx, I saw you had linked your own thread, after giving an exact replica response to the other person, so it is only logical to assume that had I said I used GIMP, you would have similarily linked to your thread. However, I would like to end this pointless argument, so could everyone drop this subject as this is not the place for it really.
um... served? O.O but yea v2 looks pretty good but for your next attempt make it a lil less boring. what i mean by that is just dont only have focal and blending. add other stuff C:
I'd say work with a smaller canvas. As far as GIMP vs. PS 7 goes, I'd actually suggest trying out GIMP (2.7/8) if you haven't spent much time in PS yet, as it is much easier to learn, and is more current than PS7 as far as general framework and coding goes. Even if you don't like it, you can always switch back.