..because paint can't make transparent backgrounds. Suggestions? What would be a good image editing program for me.
its not just as good as photoshop. not by a long shot but its got the same basics and is a billion times better than paint. GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
GMIP is the only photoshopping program that handels transperancy, and it does it in many, sexy mhhh ways.
Yeah, Gimp is really good for being free. I have worked with both GIMP and Photoshop (At School), I prefer gimp.
*looks at all the gimp posts* Hm I dont think we need 4 extra posts of just the same thing. Paint.net is something I used awhile ago before PS, however it still worked nice after I got the hang of it.
Hes asking for something new because paint.net doesn't handle transperancy. PS doesn't, and GIMP does.