Sandbox VMP Samsara

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by LD, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Life is unmoving, it is hard and brutal.
    You cannot live alone, you cannot live slow, and you cannot live weak.
    Never surrender, and never look back.
    Feel deep inside, stay away from truth and reason to find it, that single unmoving power that will slowly cure all pain in your soul,
    that pit of dogma that shall pull you back out of life and once more into love.
    It hurts more than it heals, burns you and leaves you broken and discarded, dark and confused, but still gives you a glimpse at perfection.
    Fluid, round, firm, controlling, heartbreaking emotion is Samsara; pure intention juxtaposed.
    Live life lividly, and maybe you will walk out with nothing but the scars of humanity.



    Link to Bnet incase the video is not working here.
    Download Samsara | Download MLG Gametypes | Visions
    #1 LD, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  2. blassin

    blassin Ancient
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    OH wow. Now I can only hope that the rest of the map pack is released today :) I know that anything from LD and Yoyo is going to be perfect and have the crap tested out of it. Definitely going to download. Everything looks extremely smooth, buildings look simple yet fitting for the map, the LOS' look to be all the perfect length, obviously I see the "multiple paths". I cannot believe I'm seeing this as a first post, but from you guys its almost expected lol
  3. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    This Visions map pack is gonna have some good maps, I suppose? With this 'intro' to it, it's awesome ;) Where does the 1 way teleporter lead? DLing is the only way to find out :p
  4. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    It leads up to the top Mid of the map.

    Glad to posted with LD. It was a pleasure testing it. I think I see myself in like 2-3 of those pictures =) Most fun was was we got to dominate ben though.
  5. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    I love this map! Me and my freinds played it for hours the fact that it supports so many gametype and it's still fun makes evan better. A really great forge, I'm loking forward to your next map
  6. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Its good to see you finally released it. I had a bunch of fun testing this map, its come a long way.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    You still have to wait a little bit for the rest, sorry.

    Sorry, it took Bungie 2 Days to render the Video, it shows nearly all the ways to move around on the Map, I updated the OP, you can find the Video (and the Link, since the Video isn't working) there.
    It shows you some usefull routes on Samsara, so you might want to look at it even if you already downloaded the Map.

    I added all those routes to give the more 'experianced' Players an advantage, in my opinion this is one of the few ways to have a certain skill gap between players in Halo 3.

    I tried to edit you out of the pictures to make the thread more pleasable but I think I'm not good enough in PS =P

    It supports them, but not all of them really work. Oddball for example is unplayable because it's a skybubble Map and the last FFA Tests were horrible.

    Thanks that you joined the testing, I love you guys, see you on Testing Day xD
    #7 LD, Aug 12, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  8. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    First off, wonderful map. I must complain though (tis my way.) I always learned that it is undesirable to have the circle of the grass visible. The spawning areas with the grass that have no railing in back could probably use a stone column railing. This is just something I figured would benefit the map.

    Aslo, having the teleporter back blocked is cool and tricky, but it is misleading for people used to seeing sender teleporters and using them.

    I like the 3 arches aesthetic, it is good looking and fresh (bottom mid, not sure if it is in a pic) but it seems like a great place to put a weapon (rockets or shotgun maybe?)

    Also I want to say I like the shape of the map, despite not a lot of cover. Final note: there is a random wedge small out in space on the map...
  9. LD

    LD Ancient
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    That's something I wanted to add because, well, I have never seen it and it's a perfect round structure, I don't see the problem with it, it's not ugly in my opinion.

    I had no complains about people falling of the map there, if a column would be added, the round gras would be pointless and the 2 tactical jumps would be way harder

    I hate that too. The problem is, the teleporter was not planned at all, it was one of the many suggestions made by TZ, at this point, the map already was budget gliched and I had only two-way senders, there was not much I could do.

    All MLG weapons are drop spawned (the teardrop is higher than usualy, when the weapons spawns, it drops, that way the game thinks it was picked up, therefore it always spawns at the same time) so I can't place a weapon holder there.

    A random wedge? Where? xD I can't look at the map right now becasue I'm not at home, please write me a VM or PM. Thanks for all the feedback bro =)
  10. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I managed to get quite a few games on this map, so that I could give a proper review. And while the map itself is enjoyable, there were some problems that myself and others were experiencing.

    1. Spawns. I was happy with the way the spawns were working, even in a 4v4 game. The only major issue was that for players who didn't like to walk forward at the spawn, the points placed by that open ended tin cup were really annoying. Additionally, after I got some good teams together, I was able to really easily predict the spawns. And because of the lack of cover, that problem proved to be fatal. I can't think of a way to fix this without a total map overhaul, though.

    2. Design. While I personally loved the shape of the map, the lack of cover quickly became aggravating. There was no way to get close to the top of the map without being raped, unless you coordinated with your teammates, which was really difficult because of how crazily fast the gameplay was. Other than that, I do like the you executed the pathways. The jumps were smooth and obvious, the ramps were perfect, and I did love the teleporter. (Until it was camped. :p) I also really liked the weapons, although I wouldve much preferred the the sniper to be rockets. Central snipers never work out too well, and it was difficult to even get a chance to use it with how fast the gameplay was. It usually ended up falling off the map.

    3. Aesthetics. I've always loved your aesthetics, LD, though I wish you'd take more time with them. So many pieces were Z-fighting, and so many walkways were bumpy, it really did ruin the experience for me. Other than that, though, I did enjoy the structures. There unique, and fit the theme of the map well.

    Well, that's all I have to say.
    #10 Rorak Kuroda, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  11. LD

    LD Ancient
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    The green zone is the only 'save' area on the map, I had to place some spawns there eventough I didn't like to. I couldn't do anything about the other spawns either because I ran out of objects, the map was supposed to be different than it is now, maybe we'll see it again inreach, the way I wanted it to be.

    Speed was what I was going for, good to hear that it worked xD
    The coodination you mentioned was really important for me, in my video you see all the tactical jumps, the one where you can jump from blue wing to red wing is a great example that you need a strong team to cover you before you make such a risky move.
    The sniper worked when I tested it, most of my shots were no-/quickscopes but using the sniper was too much fun to replace it, eventhough it's difficult.

    I love yours too ♥
    Once again I blame the budget, the top should have a roof for example. I personally don't mind Z-fighting at all, to me it displays 'perfect' interlocking.
    I noticed one major bump during testing (on the little catwalk next to the carbine house thing), but I forgot to fix it before I released the map, that's the only one that bothered me

    Thanks for everything and putting that much time into testing and writing.

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