Good morro kind sirs, I've posted a few videos on the internet from modern warfare 2, when i saw a few, i actually mean exactly a few (which is.. one, two, three). They are gameplay commentaries and they are unbelievably average. On one of the videos I play on the most difficult controller settings EVARRR. It wasn't my idea to post this, it was Sniperviper76's, so sorry if you dont find it entertaining, i didn't really either ahaha. So they settings I used for this game were: Legacy Southpaw Lefty Flipped Controls Inverted Y-axis Sensitivity 1 Normally I use: Default Default Non-Inverted Sensitivity 10 So you already know that the game's going to be awful. But without further ado, here is the video.. YouTube - Legacy Southpaw, Lefty, Inverted, 1 - Episode 1‎ Peace out guys, please enjoy <3
lol, I would try it but I think I would get really frustrated so I won't. Try swapping the functions of the left and right side of the brain then give it a go XD