Treadmill Idea (SketchUp) Minimap

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BraveDave, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    So I had this idea for Halo 3 forge, to make a massive treadmill where players, using a mongooses or warthogs, must drive against the treadmill in order to survive. I soon found after many hours of toying with forge, that this was impossible to do in halo, UNTIL NOW! With reach this farfetched idea my just work. I planned to make a continuos loop out of large movable objects, being pushed by various man cannons. Now to my knowledge there isint any large movable objects, but hopefully bungie have made an option to make large objects such as huge blocks, movable. If this is not the case I had a backup plan. In the forge video thing i saw a very long large man cannon. And ( correct me if Im wrong ) bungie have said there is an option to make man cannon's more or less powerful. Now if this is the case I will place a few of these side by side and turn the power low enough that mongooses will be able to just over come there power. Therefore making a treadmill.

    Now that I have explained the mechanics of how im hoping to make it I will explain possible gametypes that could be played on it. The first and most obvious idea is KOTH. Players would all contest for the hill hitting eachother back with their Warthhogs. Second I thought it would be cool to have a infected gametype where the idea is to stay on the treadmill and outlast your opponents. But heres the catch. The infected armed with plasma pistols will be at the start of the treadmill and will be able to shoot at the mongooses. A fully charged plasma will temporaily disable a vehicle therefore pushing the mongoose to the end of the treadmill and their death. I had another idea but I have forgotten it. Im sure you guys will be able to think of many more gametypes that could be played on this map. BTW i forgot to mention at the end of the treadmill lies death.

    I am fully aware that even with the new forge this may still be impossible, but i just wanted to throw it out there and see what you guys think. Thx for any comments in advance :)



    Edit: On a side note if idea idea falls through I was thinking of remaking BlackHole but bigger and better also making a new gametype along with it. Be honest, is it worth remaking or should I move on to different ideas?
    #1 BraveDave, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Well, it was good to practice your sketchup skills anyway.
  3. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Haha, well said. I didnt think id be getting comments like that so early :)
  4. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Fantastic idea, I hope for your sake its possible.

    Senior Member

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    I think Cosmic Rick showed us that, given more budget, this would have been feasible in Halo 3's forge with Pallet Parade. You could likely accomplish this in Reach's forge.

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    ya just an idea tho but u could have it so the pieces fall into the water and disappear so that way it could re spawn(just like pallet parade except u wouldn't need breakable pieces)
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I'm very confused on what your actually doing. I think the very long man cannon was a shield door (the one mongooses where bouncing off?) because there is no long man cannon just a powerful "vehicle" one and a weaker "infantry" one.

    Bungie has said there is very little amounts of movable objects because they are a good sauce of lagg and normally immovable objects are impossible to make movable.

    So I'm trying to get a idea of what you are making is it basically just pallets used as a conveyor belt that you drive on with a death zone at the end?
  8. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Well basically it was just a concept. I hadnt really put thought into what objects I would use because I was sure which ones were movable. I just planned to use the biggest ones possible but now that you have explained all this to me I guess the only possible way to make it is with pallets. So I guess it will just be a conveyor belt with pallets and kill balls at the end which destroy the pallets and anyone else.

    Thankyou everyone who has commented so far. You have defiantly given me things to think about.
  9. Megadoug

    Megadoug Forerunner

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    Really awesome Idea. I REALLY Hope that this is possible.
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Just a little heads up kill balls are most likely movable now because of kill zones we don't need a immovable kill ball.

    Might also want to put a huge teleporter zone(might wanna read about the new teleporters if you don't know) that only teleports infantry so if people go on in foot or they flip they go though teleporter and die or go to spawn.

    Just couple things to think about when designing the level.
  11. FORTR3SS

    FORTR3SS Forerunner

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    Whoa... this is kinda deep thinking here. well... none of us will know for shure untill the game is released, but keep thinking big... i certainly am

  12. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Wise words of wisdom FORTR3SS. And thankyou for your ideas William. Theres nothing worse then playing a map thats Cheatable
  13. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    if all else fails, put everything at such an angle where mongooses can only go up it at full speed, but when they stop they fall down.
    also, random conveyor belt obstacles would be fun. like theyre going, and than a killball is just chillin towards you and your like OH NOSE! and die. or dodge it or something.
    the plasma pistol idea sounds really fun! or like a trash compactor gametype where you have to push obstacles down. than they teleport into a cage when they fall, and the zombie can still get points by killing them.
  14. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Wooden leaf I like the way you think :) . Only problem with putting the ground on such an angle is that if the mongoose driver stops accelerating the mongoose just stops where it is. In other words it doesn't slide down. And I had also planned to have obstacles later on in the game to make it harder. A killball would be epic but it would destroy the pallets and wouldnt move at all.

    YOU JUST GAVE ME AN IDEA FOR ANOTHER GAMETYPE!!!!!! What if there was no mongooses but instead players had to jump on random blocks in order to survive(making the moving pallets a kill zone if you get what i mean) and as time goes on the number of blocks lessen and get smaller? Its not as good as the other ideas but its a concept that could be build on. Also im not sure what you meant by your trash compactor idea :)
  15. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Im kind of confused at what your getting at^
    Like a safe zone that you jump on and dodge death objects until its really hard?
    Like jenga tower and such?
  16. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    there are objects on a conveyor belt that you have to jump on as to not fall down the conveyor belt.
    @dave, we can see how it works in reach, but if it is the same it wouldnt work. and the killball is only if we have movable indestructible objects.
    that would be fun, like an uphill jumping treadmill climb.
    and the trash compactor is all the mongooses are on the conveyor belt, and than the infected has to knock stuff over onto the belt to the mongooses hit it and fall to the teleporters, where the zombie can kill them.
  17. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
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    I also tried to create a switch like this in Halo 3 but I tried to use it as an escalator type mechanism, and i failed. I don't know if it'll be possible in Reach but I'm definitely going to try, I hope to see what you come up with.
  18. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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    I still don't know how to use Sketch Up. For some reason I cannot use it I keep messing up the angles and everything.

    Also. You can make a treadmill on halo 3. It is complicated though......
    I'll tell you how it works but it is small so maybe only mongooses work.
    You make a small long indentation in a floor so a line of pallets can move fit in the lines. Then out of the map your creating where users can't reach you make the pallets there where the indentation is then a little above the pallets make a weapon holder. Put a gravity lift in the weapon holder but make the weapon holder so that it is making the gravity lift go in the direction of the way you want the treadmill to go.

    Sorry.... these are bad instruction but I hope you get the idea.
  19. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Yes I am aware that it is possible to make a treadmill on Halo 3 but the end product is very limited by the amounts of pallets that are available. I could have easy made the mechanism similar to the one used in pallet parade but It would not allow enough room for 8 players all on mongooses. Ps, keep trying at sketch up. Eventually you'll get the hang of it. I myself am no pro and only resort to using it because reach isint out yet.

    Before reach comes out i intend to explore every available option that could be used to create this map. I am concerned that reach or at least forgeworld will not include pallets. So is its stands I may be forced to resort to movable crates. So one before mentioned that if the crates where to fall in the water they might respawn back.

    If I can not get the cates to respawn once they reach the back of the treadmill then they treadmill will simply last for only a few seconds. So hopefully they will respawn once they hitt the water or once they pass the kill barrier. Does anyone think this could be a possibility and does anyone know if the humble pallet will be apart Reach?
  20. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Chingchong. im sure you can figure something out,ive seen all your contraptions and your damn good.

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