Black Death

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by NsG Nightwolf, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. NsG Nightwolf

    NsG Nightwolf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is my first map post.

    Long ago an oil rig was infested with a deadly disease and almsot everyone died but you and a few others managed to escape. After finding out that the disease began to thrive and began to move to other parts of the world, you return. Here you try to make your final stand and kill the disease once and for all.

    My goal was to make this map similar to the first Gears of War game. The light is your only true ally.

    This is the map in its truest form.

    The following images have the lighting graphics deleted for better visability.

    The map with the lighting graphics deleted.

    Sideview with crates blocking the way and a way up to the top.

    Another way up.

    Random box which are found all around the map, but whats inside?

    Hey it's a shotgun! I wonder what other weapons are in the other boxes.

    Hmmm, there must be a way to get through....

    BOOM! Now the path is clear.

    Map: Black Death
    Gametype: Return

    Remember, the lights are your friend!!
  2. ThePsycoOne

    ThePsycoOne Forerunner

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    Umm next time. if your going to fix the post can you please juse edit the old one. Otherwise you might recieve spam warnings.
    Onto the map. i dont see how its based of gears of war 1. but other than that it looks good, i really like the weapons in boxes.
    #2 ThePsycoOne, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
  3. NsG Nightwolf

    NsG Nightwolf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i didnt realise it posted or else i would have edited it, (bad computer) sorry for the confusion.
  4. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just to clarify, he never said that the map was based off of GOW, he said that he wanted to make a gametype similar to the GOW game, and it really has nothing to do with the game at all.
  5. NickVinoskey

    NickVinoskey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Grat looking map, definite download. 10/10. And by the way, by Gears of War, he means the level where you have to stay in lit-up area or the Kryll (basically flying piranhas) will swoop down and kill your butt. The only difference here is that, while there are no Kryll, the light will keep you safer. Why don't you read his actual post?
    #5 NickVinoskey, Aug 12, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010

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