Millenium RaceWhats up everybody. This is one of my first ghost merged maps on Foundry. It took about a day to make and it is very smooth despite the pictures. My friends have tested this map and they agree that it is awesome. I hope you all like it as well as the other maps I have posted. Pictures Starting lineTurn 1Turn 2Banked turnUnderpassSpiral turnNext lap YouTube- Millenium race By HEROEZ BLADE117‎ ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! Download here : Halo 3 File Details
This map looks great. Great merging, great layout, great racing I bet. There's not really anything wrong with this map, OTHER than the fact that if you were to do it on SandBox it would be 5x more awesome. But seriously the banked turn is probably one of the most awesome features of the entire map, along with the underpass part, such smooth racing, great job! 4.9 out of 5 (SANDBOX!)
Actually the fact that you used foundry makes me give this a 5/5. Maps on foundry are a challenger because of space and objects. Sandbox is not as much of a challenge because of these same reasons. I like how the signs are merged, idk something about it. THe second turn was epic because it looks like something out of a skate park
Wow! This map looks very well - forged and looks interesting. Though I have a few questions: In your picture of the Underpass, is the road hard to drive on as the walls have tiny bumps on them? Oh and also the Spiral Turn. If you fall, is there any way to get back to the road? Other than those questions, I'm downloading and testing it to see for myself! Check back later so you can see what I have to say!! Happy Forging!