I'm new to the forums, and I figured a place titled 'H:R Forge Discussion' would be a good place to ask... I notice there is a TON (understatement of the year) of water in Forge World. I also understand that none of us have used it yet, but what I was wondering was weather-or-not certain parts of the water could kill the player... See, the reason I ask, is because like others, I'm planning on half-submerging my maps in water at one point or another for experimentation, and I wanted to see if anybody had any insight on weather-or-not this would be the case. I understand that kill-zones and soft-kill zones exist now, but will certain areas of the 'ocean' (i.e. deep ends) be 'kill zones', where shallower areas will be able to be used? Or is this not the case, and at a certain depth there's just a built-in kill zone throughout the entirety of the water? Thanks for any insight.
If a player is submerged past their head, they will die. This question was asked in the Bungie Forge World FAQ.
That doesn't make sense lol. They can't be under water for even a second, but they can go into outer space. Kinda makes you think huh.
That's true but I'm sure there will be deeper bits if not someone will glitch to get deeper underwater somehow.
Ok we get it xD There are alot of faults in halos "reality" But we still love the game and often have dirty dreams involving the halo reach legendary box.