Station-203 Created by Foxtrot1004 Map Description This is a symmetrical map, inspired by Halo 3's construct. It's to be built on on of the cliffs overlooking the ocean. It's designed for team based slayer and objective games, and i hope will play well with two to eight players. Now lets get to the pictures! An X-Ray overview, with the red side and the middle labeled. This is a frontal overview, facing the cliff. This is an overview of the red side, with the red base to the left, and red elbow going to mid 3. This is of red base, looking toward mid 1. This is mid 1, from above. This is looking from mid 1 to red street. This is from the corner of red street and mid 2, looking on mid 4. This is mid 2, with the ramp down to mid 3. This is looking from the central sniper tower to mid 3. Finnally, this is a picture from underneath, just for kicks. : ) Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Looks pretty good. Kinda hard to tell how it'll be from just Sketchup pictures, especially when the game hasn't been released yet.
@Fox: Could you put out the model so I can see it properly and get an idea of what it's like, because you can't see it properly see it in the pictures. Or just PM me. I won't steal it promise (Hehehe). No I won't...
You want the sketchup file? Alright, Here it is. I hope that works for you. Sorry about the poorly shot pictures.
I like the way its put together, its not a shitload of walkways like 90% of planners are making. My only concern is that this is going to be what every map maker does. A floating map of this nature by a cliff near the waterfall. It looks fun, just like it lacks originality is all. Be creative.
man, this map is beautiful. do you promise you'll make this on forgeworld, and put it up for download on the game search function?
So does your forgeworld sketchup have the entire list of forge objects found in reach? or was this just from previews?
I hope ur joking about calling him a noob! cuz if not UR the noob...they already released a picture of all of these items AND they have been made in sketchup. On topic: It looks like a very promising map!
@FPS and Random Thank you both for your compliments. This thread was really intended to give me feed back on the bad parts of the map, and help me make it the best it can be before i start to forge it. So, if anyone has constructive criticism, please let me hear it. Thanks in advance.
i think this map looks awesome for slayer and jetpack usage. try to tailor it around that. For a bit of constructive criticism, i would say add more glass pieces to make it look better. this will also make it so you can really never camp or hide around corners without a bit of ingenuity. Also, look at the item prices on bnets weekly update. work out how much it'll cost, and if you'll have to cut some less necessary pieces. I'm sure youll be able to fit it in though. Also, for a large, symmetrical map like this, a more prominent "base" in the red and blue areas would be good. And finally, I suggest the addition of a banshee in a "helipad" in the middle, not centre, of the map. And a rocket in each base for it's annihilation. edit: just had a brainwave. instead of that massive wall, which seem like a waste to me, why dont you attach it to a cliff face?