Where? Your not talking about the campaign video, where someone holds it, right? The Concussion Rifle looks awesome, I really want to see what that bad boy can do. DMR, PR, Pro-Pipe, and Plasma Launcher are pretty cool too. Doubt the Target Locaor will show up much in Matchmaking games besides Firefight.
The Grenade Launcher Once you know how it works, it a lean mean son of a ***** killing machine. The sound, the explosion, and the reload is all just so damn awesome. Getting kills with it is very satisfying too, where you know you hit at the right spot at the right time and it detonated too. Plus you can use it as a trap. Shoot one out, leave it laying at the side of the door. When the enemies come in, let go, and finish off any survivors with a pistol. EXTERMINATION.
The Halo 2 BR was awesome, but I blame hitscan for it's awesomeness. I may like the Halo 3 BR if hitscan had been applied.
Target locater man, whats better then getting to call in a small scale orbital bombardment. So long tanks and infantry, to bad it's probably only for Invasion/Firefight, wish it would be for BtB, i wonder how long the cool down is on it, the Hammer of Dawn from gears wasn't real long.
pro pipe. only played the beta once, got to use the pistol, the DMR, the jetpack, and the plasma launcher. i got killed by the pro pipe, which was pretty awesome cuz it was a trap. it just seems so fun. and the jetpack is WINSAUCE! taking flight is so my style of play. although armor lock is a pretty cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything.
Isnt there another gun out there called the Spiker Rifle? If so Im really looking forward to trying that out!
Yeah only the Needler Rifle. A Spiker Rifle would be pointless anyway, the brute spikers were just rip offs of covenant needler, and they didn't even explode.
Target Locater i think the target locater because i really want to drop some mortars on peoples heads
Although it's not my favorite new weapon, the DMR is definitely the most anticipated by the community.
Probably DMR because I think the DMR, AR, and Magnum will be the 3 most used non-power weapon guns in Reach.
I'm looking forward to the plasma repeater and the concussion rifle just because one the plasma repeater is like a stronger version of the plasma rifle cause in halo 3 the plasma rifle couldn't kill anything. The concussion rifle just seems cool.
I (along with most of you) can't wait for the DMR. I loved the BR and I wasn't too bad with it, so I figure I won't be too bad with the DMR either.
The concussion rifle was not seen (by me atleast) in the beta. I don't even know what it does... I think DMR will be okay.