R3C0Nstruction began as a map that was going to be for a little gametype I created called Is that you? similar to clue but with no oddball part. That will be released once all the bugs are fixed. Anyways, the map is based off of a construction site in an urban environment. It works best with 2v2, I have done a 2v1 and a ffa and they all seem to work best but anymore is probably a no no. There is a building, a bridge in the middle of being built, a park, 2 semi trucks, a streetlight, and the sexiest of all things THE CRANE. Those are the main features. The map is done, besides some more testing. I have sent one version to the testers guild which they came back with good feedback and the main problem was, not surprisingly, spawns. Those have been fixed up a bit and the map will most likely be sent back to the testers guild. Weapons and equipment(at the moment, may change but they seem to work) BR x 4 Carbine x 2 Mauler x 2 Sniper x 1 Rockets x 1 Smgs x 4 Regenerator x 1 Plasma grenade x 4 Needlers x 2 Gametypes suitable at the moment Slayer Capture the Flag Assault (I might make the map capable for regen slayer but probably not) Now for the pictures. Information is ontop of the Picture Layout overview 1 Layout overview 2 Crane from park side Crane from bridge side Park with blue truck Red truck(a little bit of the bridge to the right) Building is only 2 stories tall, there are extra blocks to make the map unbreakable. The next 5 pictures are of the building to help get a better feeling for it. Blue side entrance Red side entrance Balcony and there is an entrance underneath that leads right out under the bridge. Inside Blue entrance(ramp on left leads to second story) Inside Red entrance Rocket spawn Sniper spawn Thanks for looking, hope you guys like it once I post it(which I have no idea when that will be).
looks awesome, would be cool though If you could somehow add a switch mechanism in the crane to drop a weapon or something; that would define bad-assery.
I easily could, well before I had to change up spawns. I could of had the switch in side of the crane or something. That would of been bad-ass-mother-****ery(what?).
Looks great. I've actually had this idea before, just never really made the map. I had a switch set up that drops a warthog from the crane, looked cool but it wouldn't work in this map since there's not enough room to drive. Obviously I can't speak for gameplay but I'm lovin the aesthetics, especially around the trucks. Only bad thing I'd say is the huge block with the tall block merged into it, it looks a bit lazy. Obviously a building site would have debris but it just doesn't look quite right.
I love the setup of this map. It's really original. I haven't seen many maps where they fit in their theme and all the aesthetics around it live up to that. Btw, loving the truck and crane, looks solid! Post this in the TRC so I can have a test on it
Nice map man. Looks really good. If need testers for tomorrow or the day after I will be willing. Just looking at the overview it would be possible to place a hill (or other objectives) below the crane to make it work with Regen Gametypes (probs just FFA).
Well I didn't get to say anything when you posted this so I am saying it now. Oh my god, when you started to make this map I didn't think you were going finish it. Your first couple maps you never felt like finishing, and I thought it was going to be another one of those. But it definitely wasn't. This was so much fun to test with Sempr, even when it was 2v1 he still almost beat us. Anyway good job on actually finishing this and I can't wait until you post the map We made.
looks really nice so far, theres a few random bits of wall poking out but its no big deal. Loving the trucks and crane, nicely done mate.
The Aesthetics are really nice... sorta looks like a mini Headlong with the bridge and the crane and what not. Obviously it won't play like headlong due to the difference in size, but it still looks amazing and will probably have quite unique gameplay.
I like something about a bridge in a map. The wall legs coming out of the bridge make it defiantly look like its under construction. The crane is pretty good, maybe add counter weights to it for a nicer/realistic look? Some kind of railing under construction on the bridge would add a better effect too. Having an inside part and an outside area should spice it up a bit but the question is, will fighting equally take place inside and out?
Well the buildling isn't that big but it's not like the area is just left alone. It has a good amount of play all over the map.
Got two games on this map today, and Im liking it! The first game was a 3v3 CTF and the second was 1v1 Regen KoTH. The 3v3 CTF: Despite being a small map this 3 on 3 match worked quite well. Despite a few spawning system malfunctions the game was very balanced. Weapon placement works well. The sniper may seem over powering, but with its limit to one clip it isn't. BRs and Carbines were placed around the map nicely to continue gameplay. The 1v1 Regen KoTH: After a couple of edits to the map me and Kilamanjara had 1v1 in Regen KoTH. The hill was located at the perfect spot: underneath the crane. The map never ceased to flow, Kilamanjara was always on my back and vice versa. The spawns worked well enough for this small map. What would be good though is to get another few game on this map but with 4/5 players for FFA and 6 players for a 3v3 Team game The aesthetics on this map work beautifully. The crane, bridge, buildings and trucks all work to together and create awesome gameplay, whatever the gametype. I would say this is about ready to submit. Fix up the spawning issue with CTF and you have a great map!
With the spawning issues, I don't think it was that they just weren't very good. I blieve it was just to many people. 3v3 is just a lot for the map and really stretching it's boundaries. It wasn't like UB3R bad but it didn't flow as nicce as the 2v2 did. The KOTH worked quite nicely, I would enjoy a game with 4 people on it. The strongest point I believe the map has is the multiple LoS in the middle where the hill is which makes it difficult but exciting for KOTH regen.
Yeah good map mister. Make the crane idea lol that would be sick --- Yeah it runs pretty good ive played on it like 50 times. It was built very nicely and we I had alot of fun finding all the ways out of the map and making him fix it
I posted a test review over at the review hub because after I saw the map I knew I had to test it You should check it out, I brought up some flaws in the map which need fixing. But overall, I really enjoyed the map! Keep up the good work!
Wow, sexy. I wish I could do that stuff :/ one thing is that the regenerationn slayer variant is called R3G3Nstruction.
Alright, well it's getting kind of close to the date that it I'm going to post it so if you gusher can't do it right now you can just do a simple one with the song in the background. Also the map is going to be compatible with the gametype 'Is that you?' which is in the new map pack that me and AnthraXe187 made that came out today.