Dyad Created by Adelyss Recommended Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, KoTH, Oddball Boasting a bold, almost symmetrical design, Dyad is a prime example of what a forged map can be. The bonds of forge are truly broken. Unlike standard box layouts, the map uses a more natural, flowing shape that creates a solid, intriguing feel to a degree reminiscent of default maps. The entire creation fits together perfectly and genuinely feels like an actual area of play and boasts a unique, airy atmosphere created by the open windows and the bright and sunny look of Sandbox's mid-level. The natural, sloping terrain of the sand is utilized well and enhances the overall experience by reinforcing the desert theme. The smooth construction employs the use of both stone and wooden structures to succeed in creating a clean, and more importantly, consistent appearance. The aesthetics of the map are as much a part of the experience as the gameplay. Height variation is a strong-point of the map. Each area is unique; the central "courtyard" which has an open, sandy look while the "pit" has a tighter stone feel. Flowing transitions tie the map together to create strong gameplay. The weapon set compliments the design remarkably. In addition to the standard rifle placement, items of interest such as the Rocket Launcher and Overshield are placed to suggest strategic control during the heated matches. Each object ranging from the blocks to the spawn-points were placed with precision and thoughtfulness in a way that creates a oft-sought functionality. Dyad raises the bar. You'll be hard-pressed to find another map that pushes forge to the limits like Dyad while maintaining such elegance. Download Dyad Orginal FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
Nice feature, the only problem I've had playing this map is one spawn in KotH, but when Patchwork does his video review that spawn should be addressed.
I knew it. This map was incredibly fun to test so I didn't doubt for a second that it was going to be featured. Congratulations Adelyss.
Meh. Not to be a downer, but it seems to me like the features here are getting less and less impressive. First Gaza, now this. Don't get me wrong - this map is good, and so is Gaza. But they're just not feature-worthy in my opinion.
I agree. While i understand that good gameplay is the most important thing and this map has that, i think that the aesthetics to go along with the gameplay should be at least a 4 of 5 to be a feature. This map just doesnt have much flare in my eyes
This map not feature worthy?? Thats just not true. Opinions aside, this map is incredible. Stunningly beautiful and built in a spot most maps never touch. And the features aren't becoming less and less impressive. If anything, they are becoming increasingly more innovative. Another notch on your belt Adelyss.
Your complaints that features are becoming less impressive is only to due with Sandbox no longer being impressive. Every map nowadays looks the same, and it's very well known that the general populace of Forge Hub couldn't care less about gameplay. Nonetheless, we do and will continue to feature maps with stellar gameplay because gone are the days of when a Forge Hub feature meant some cool (bullshit) geomerge technique or an "aesthetic". Everyone is titled to their opinions and no one is expected to love every featured but from the experiences that I have had with the site in the last 2.5+ years I know that very few people play a map numerous times if they didn't initially love it, and thus they can never actually rate maps on gameplay.
Not at all a surprise. Adelyss kisses the staff butt till his maps get featured. I am truly dissapointed in this site. I am quitting now, LOL! JKJKJK! I loved this map. Whats the problem with aesthetics? Just because the map isnt covered in grass and "rocks" means it doesnt look good?! I think it looks great. I remember he didnt even want to use the wood, and then when he had to, he rocked it sweet. It looks great, plays well, and its built in an unusual part of the map. It sounds like a feature to me. And @ Jameslied... Thjanks for the map shout out, lol.
Hahah Grass and Rocks..I was waiting for a new overused and annoying aesthetic that everyone thought made every map amazing to come along (what a sentence lol). Finally the bayo-bridges (love you silence) and "Bl00d F1R3" merges came back to us. It's quite ironic that people cry for "unique aesthetics" in good maps, yet love every single one of those stand grass and rock skybox maps. At least new things can be thought of in Reach. However guys, this thread is for the map feature. Comment on Dyad, but if you have problems with the feature system itself then bring it to the front page feedback thread that scope so graciously provided a link to. We don't want this discussion breaking out in every feature thread.
Dyad is the best competitive Map I have seen in a long time on FH. The gameplay is great, the map is refreshing and the forging is perfect. It's hard to make a great Map 3 years after Halo 3 got released, because most of the things have been done before. I can't understand how anyone could not agree with this feature. Oh, and here is a forum section that you might want to visit. You could visit the original Thread for more Information, a feature always shows 3 pictures.
No, that's not it at all. There are still maps made on Sandbox that impress me these days just as much as they would have when Sandbox first came out. It's just that this map isn't one of the most aesthetically pleasing maps I've seen on Forge Hub. The gameplay may be great, but aesthetics count too. I'm not saying the map looks like crap, it's just not as good-looking as some of the other recent features such as Pinball Machine and Halfghan.
Its a very impressive map Adyless. I remeber your from back in the day at Forever Forgers where you first began. Now seeing this, really shows how far you have come from the start.
It really does have awesome gameplay, but it just doesn't have the pop and flare like a feature should. Features should have a combo of amazing aesthetics and gameplay. Anyways, congrats on the feature Adelyss. And by the way, you can break it
Breakability? Yes...Item Limit? Yes... Nothing I could do about breakability. One of the reasons why I feel people are for this map is the fact that it was created in a area of sandbox where no one even thought of doing something like this. Also the fact the simple but yet gameplay enhancing layout flips a light on in peoples hearts. I think people dislike this map because yes I couldn't lather it up in new aesthetics but if you do notice I do use the wood and stone in a such a way it actually makes you want to use wood in your map. Along side the wood I also used new floor color markers to give it a kind of forerunner feel (Lol at the fact that you can't make a forerunner feel with stone blocks). Finally I brought back my known color pillar aesthetic from my map Diadem. All in all its a love/hate map... if you hate it well then I suggest getting some more games on it because it may take a few games before the map hits its strong points. Thanks WaS for the nice write up and also thanks to everyone else who has enjoyed the map...thats why I forge
Honestly, I love the aesthetics. People these days are so used to maps overloaded with aesthetic pieces. Even if you don't like the look, you can't deny it's gameplay which matters much more.
Plus the fact that its under budget, AND still good. Most of these fancy aesthetic maps discussed are super budget glitched. You did great with all of your resources and made aan awesome map. See you in Reach.
Your map almost inspires me to create something like this in fact i might give up my project so far to do that P.S. my project in case anyone wants to help is a short racetrack on citadel, but a racetrack all the same