Maps include: Trifecta v1 (Foundry) : Halo 3 File Details Wake v1 (Sandbox) : Halo 3 File Details Second Sun v2 (Sandbox) : Halo 3 File Details ALL MAPS ARE MADE FOR CTF AND SLAYER TRIFECTA WEAPONS: 5 BRs 1 Sniper 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Needler 1 Sword 1 Buble Shield 1 Regen 1 Power Drain 1 Overshield Wake (designed by SolaceBuster) WEAPONS: 3 BRs 1 Shotgun (in the trench) 1 Sniper (on the platform) 1 Turet (on the platform) 1 Brute Shot 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Bubble Shields 1 Regen Second Sun v2 (I was asked to add railings and do a couple other changes so this map is better than ever!) WEAPONS: 4 BRs 1 Sniper 1 Carbine 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sword 1 Bubble Shield 1 Power Drain PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!
I am glad to see you added cover to Second Sun. I think that you also need to add cover to Wake, but I will download to confirm this. Trifecta looks like a great map I am looking forward to playing on it
these are all way to open. need a bunch more cover and possibly some more interesting layouts. as far as the word collaboration goes... you spelled it wrong
I (hate to) have to agree with Just Defy, but all these are entirely too open. Spawnkilltropolis. Trifecta has the best layout and seems fun for anyone on the top level. However if they were to fall they would definitely be killed due to lack of viable cover or anyone above them. Wake has in interesting design as far as a detached islet, but it is far too streamlined and anyone on that turret could make dirt out of anyone that wanted to walk around. Create some height variations or deviations of some kind. Second Sun could say roughly the same thing as Wake, except there is a couple height variations, but it lacks an interesting layout.