As the title says this is just a quick message to those steam users out there. I recently got steam and bought the orange box, with it I got a guest pass for Team Fortress 2. Since I don't need it I thought I'd give it to some one on here who has steam. So if you want to try it out before you buy it post you're steam profile name below and I'll send it to you. Also if anyone already has team fortress 2 add me on steam and we can play some time, my profile name is: Beef is Back
I'm Insane54, but I don't have a windows anymore, just trying it out on a linux Parallels boot, so it's kinda slow, don't even know if it'll run it. Don't have any games to check too.
Well I don't want to risk wasting it if you're not sure tf2 will work on you're system. I'll hold off sending it to anyone untill you find out if it will work or not.
About 2100 other games that I don't want to have to list I bought the orogne box and gmod when the holiday deal was on, I got them both for £16 @bloo jay I'll aadd you now
Basically any game you want, and if you already have games on your computer than you didn't buy off Steam, you can add them to your account manually.
does that mean i can download them if i like lose the disc? i mean like what other games are big hits other than gmod counter strike and those already big hits
Oh no, you would have to buy it off Steam to be able to download it again. But basically any big non-console exclusive game that you can think of is basically on Steam.
Just an awesome detail: When you buy TF2 or most any other Valve Game you can search "Peggle Extreme" and you get that game for free as well, doesn't appear before you have purchased a game. It's a short, 10 level showing of one of the most amazing Pop Cap/Arcade games ever made.
hey just so everyone knows that guest pass for tf2 is still claimable (it expires on the 18th so i want to send it off before then). Also I now have a day of defeat: source guest pass so i'm giving that one away aswell.
Sorry for the necro, but I just bought the game as well and wanted to fill up the ol' friends list. SteamID: sdrakulich