M12 Delivery "I gots fo' new M-12 'Hogs here who gonna sign fo' 'em?! Who the commandin' officer 'round here?! ...hello?... ****!!!" 100 liters of diesel- 650 U.N. credits (UNc$) Flat tire 100 km out of New Mombassa- 1000 UNc$ Changing out standard-issue defective armor plating with quality vehicular energy shield - 5000 UNc$ Punishment for using nonstandard-issue equipment - One Month mechanic duty Delivering Warthogs to the Front- Priceless
^exactly, it could look so epic with a crapload of detail. It looks sick as it is, but it could look sicker.
i'll admit, I did it in about 30 minutes, didn't worry too much about placement. it could look better.